Chapter 5: A Fine Suitor

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    Seconds began to slip them by and before they knew it, dawn fell into the mid-day. The sun was at its highest and only then, the omega finally realized it. The hardest part of the day was leaving the young alpha after such a beautiful morning that was well spent. Jungkook noticed as Jimin's bright smile died into a plain and unimpressed expression within seconds.

     "What's wrong?" Jungkook wondered curiously. "We were just having a great morning, there is no way it could have been ruined in seconds."

     "It's not you, it could never be you, Yeong-Hwa..." Jimin answered and sat up right after laying on the grass all morning. "You have made my morning spectacular... It's a shame it couldn't last all day," continued the omega.

     "Why don't we do this every morning until my departure?" Jungkook asked, wishing he didn't have to lie to such a wonderful and perfect omega he kept in his life.

     "I would love that, the idea of endless mornings with you sounds so beautiful... If only you didn't have to go, I could use a friend to talk to every morning like this."

     Right then and there, Jungkook had a longing to confess that he wasn't a commoner, he was truly the king but, there were so many things he feared and so many things he longed to know from Jimin without having him know the truth. The king grew fearful of the truth and tried to think of ways to tell the omega without ruining what they had.

     "Don't look so sad, Jimin. I'll see you tomorrow."

     "It's not about our morning coming to an end, it's about a man my father will invite to my home," Jimin added as he sat up and fixed the long gown to his hanbok. "My father is going to introduce me to an alpha, an alpha to marry..."

     With pure anger finally fleeing from Jimin's mind, all that was left was the feeling of fear. Jimin didn't want to marry, he knew if he thought too much into this, he would trigger his heat, so he left things unsaid and prepared to leave.

     "An alpha to marry..." Jungkook thought in his head. Gazing upon the grass and counting the spaces he stood away from the omega. "You will marry soon?"

     "I don't have a choice, that is why I hope I never get my heat. Anything but that," Jimin pleaded as he looked up at the skies above. "Until then, don't go, I've never met anyone this exciting before and I doubt I ever will if you leave. At least, stay until I know I'm no longer free to see you. You're good company compared to my other friends," Jimin spoke. His words felt as if they were his last, but it wasn't. Jimin had fear of marriage and leaving his friend who understood him. They had long to part away at the moment, but the thought sent shivers down the omega's spine and he just had to let the alpha know. Let the alpha know in case anything were to happen.

     "I'm not going anywhere," Jungkook promised. Before the alpha knew it, he promised every morning to be here, waiting to see the omega as if they held something greater than friendship. Jungkook finished off the painting and looked at the omega once more. "Take this painting with you as well. By the time we stop meeting, you will have a whole room filled with my paintings!"

     Jimin accepted the painting; it was beginning to dry as he gazed at the colors along the painting that was once bare. "I would be more than happier to keep these paintings to remember you by... But, how will you remember me by?" Jimin wondered.

     "You have a long time to think on what to give me, Park Jimin. I'm not going anywhere!" Jungkook assured one more time and made the omega smile before he finally left.

     This time, there were no interruptions and not even an angry alpha shouting from the top of his lungs to drag Jimin away. Jungkook loved this morning even more and found it as a way to understand Jimin as an individual. Eventually, the king returned to his palace safely and was finally able to eat after skipping his morning meal. Jungkook was head over heels with the thought of the omega being his first friend in a long time; he just couldn't shake away the feeling that seemed to last an eternity.

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