Chapter 17: A Twisted Fate

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     The lonesome night lasted an eternity. There was no end to it and the alpha lied awake wondering if Yoongi could be right. The king feared losing Jimin and the negative thoughts of the possibilities seemed to scare Jungkook awake at night. The boy laid on his bed alone and lost sleep due to his desperation that turned into an obsession, fearing if Jimin would ever lose feelings for him. It was bad to be so sure, but the alpha was so positive of their romance shining through.

     The following morning, the king called a meeting to the throne room. He ordered his court, his scholars, his advisers, his eunuchs, and his guards to meet within the sacred room as they stood in their respective groups; all lined up patiently before the king. Jungkook sat on his Phoenix throne, staring at each and every one of his people with only a tired look weighing in his eyes. The alpha fixed his posture and sat in silence. His eyes carried the nights of endless worries that kept him up; obsessing and fearing the worst.

     As the king closed his eyes for a second, he cleared his throat and fixed his hands to rest over his criss-crossed legs.

     "Good morning, I have... I have..." Jungkook whispered and rubbed his left eye. "No.. I want to enact a new rule..." Jungkook added and finally looked at the groups before him once more.

     "What is this new rule you desire, my king?" One of the advisers called out in question.

      As Jungkook looked around the room, he noticed Yoongi standing in front, staring at the ceiling and avoiding eye contact. The guard still remembered their disagreement, but he longed to influence Jungkook's decision by being present before him. Hoping his appearance would make him remember his advice. Alas, Jungkook didn't long to take any advice from Yoongi now and had his mind set on enacting the marriage ban for Jimin's sake.

      "I want to enact a marriage ban for myself," Jungkook confessed and watched Yoongi let out a disappointing sigh right after. "I should have had one enacted when I was a Prince, but my father never took action. Now that I am a newly King, I long for a partner by my side. We will enact a marriage ban until I have my partner. No one will marry until then."

      "All omegas who have reached their heat will not marry during this rule. Throughout this, we will have you meet with groups of omegas until you select one to marry," said one of the lead scholars as Jungkook nodded and complied with the rules.

      Jungkook played it off as if he still had yet to find true love when in reality, he was giving Jimin more time to be his. Throughout the whole discussion through the meeting, the alpha lied and looked as his group accepted his request, each carrying out the king's orders once they were all dismissed. However, Yoongi only tended to look at the king as soon as he left the throne room with the guards. A wave of worry overcame the head guard, he noticed how tired Jungkook looked and couldn't help but to blame himself after putting the young king through such an argument that kept him up all night.

     After a good while into the early morning, the meeting was over and Jungkook was finally getting ready to see his swan. He rubbed the sides of his temples as his eyes weighed down. The king wasn't in the right state to go out and see Jimin, but oh how the boy in love was willing to pull through just for the omega of his dreams.

     At the same time, Jimin was walking through the morning market within the village with Namjoon. He walked around gazing at what each merchant had to sell as Namjoon tagged along, looking around at the omegas who seemed to admire him from afar.

     Once the two reached a merchant who sold beautiful brooches, Jimin smiled at the seller and began to browse through the vast selection of rare brooches. As the omega looked around, Namjoon sighed and tilted his head at the sight of the omega looking through the accessories that seemed to catch his gaze from a mile away.

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