Chapter 52: This Is Love

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Pregnant; the heavy weighted word tended to hang around longer in Jungkook's mind as he had to process it longer. He knew what this meant but it took awhile for him to finally recognize it. Jimin was looking at his alpha as silence stirred between them. But before it could carry on forever, Jungkook instantly brought Jimin back into his arms and began to smile happily.

"Jungkook...." Jimin whispered into his shaky breathing and began to cry to himself. "W-Why aren't you upset with me? Why aren't you speechless and angry at the fact that I told you it was okay when the elixir didn't work?! I'm going to have a pup soon and we didn't plan this... this was a mistake!"

"Oh Jimin," Jungkook whispered and smiled while holding the omega gently. "When will you learn that not every mistake is a bad one?" Jungkook asked and caressed the omega's hair back. "My love, I'm not upset, I'm glad. I'm so glad..."

"Why...? This will only cause more pressure for the both of us..."

"No, it won't," Jungkook assured and looked at his lover in the eyes after he broke the gentle hug. "I will be more than happy to start a family with you, Jimin! I want nothing more but to spend my life with you. This pup may have been a mistake, but it's the most precious gift ever. Not all of the mistakes in life are terrible, it's life changing! It's beautiful."

Jimin then watched his alpha trail his hands down to cup the center of the omega's stomach and share a perfect smile. Jimin began to look at things in a different way, before it was usually him giving Jungkook a new aspect in life, but now, Jungkook was able to see it all and help light the way in case Jimin couldn't see through the dark. The two took a moment to look down at each other's hands as it fixed over one another on Jimin's stomach. The two were proud and even if the news was too hard to process at the moment, Jungkook didn't want to sweep it away and hoard it elsewhere. He was open to think of many things until then.

"I'm so happy you told me. You were honest with me, that's the best thing you could ever do for us! I couldn't imagine how much stress this put you under, when did you find out?"

"Just yesterday before I left the palace. I overheard Taehyung and Yoongi speaking about it and I overheard them. I should have told you the moment I found out, but I needed to process this on my own... I needed to accept it for what it was and clear my own mind," Jimin whispered. The gentle caress Jungkook had over Jimin's belly was what made the omega blush at how happy Jungkook was about having his first pup with the one he loves.

"I'm glad you took time for yourself to process this. I wouldn't have wanted you to push yourself to me the moment you found out, that wouldn't have given you time to at least sort out the thought."

"I just had to tell you the next day, it's unbelievable to me, but with your support, I can think more clearly..." Jimin whispered. Fixing his hands over the king's wrists to then slide his hands to meet with his. Slowly, he intertwined his hands with the alpha and began to cry in tears of joy. A feeling he had yet to experience before since all he knew was crying from many issues, but this time, he cried because of the many things that no longer bothered him. Jungkook was the remedy he needed in support and love. Just with the alpha sitting right before him, Jimin knew this was all he wanted in life. An alpha who understood him and never belittled him.

"Jimin... out of this cruel and dark world, I found the only light that led me to you," Jungkook whispered against Jimin's ear and kissed the side of his perfectly sculpted face. "I want nothing more than to be with you forever, my love..."

"Oh Jungkook, you don't know how much I've missed you after the day we argued! I wanted to be with you every second. I dreaded the days we were apart and it filled me with pain. I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in your chest, but I knew you needed this."

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