Chapter 2: The Swan

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     A careful gaze fell down the omega's looks as the king in disguise began to choke with words just fretting to fall out. It was now that the alpha couldn't hear a thing but his own heartbeat; only the rhythmic thumps seemed to echo in his head now. Without a second to lose, Jungkook finally broke his desperate gaze and looked at the parchment before him; finally being able to muster up the confidence to reply to the omega's request.

      "Why should I paint you a swan?" Jungkook spoke directly without a stutter.

       "Because swans are delicate and elegant. That painting looks lonely without a living soul in it! It needs something more interesting," replied the omega as he stood his distance; smiling and gazing deeply upon the discreet king. "Won't you paint one for me, please? At least a little one.."

       "There's no purpose in painting a swan if there isn't one in front of us," Jungkook retorted. Apparently, Jungkook began to realize that he was only able to focus on the omega's answers when he wasn't observing the omega's ethereal features. "Go commission a piece to another painter, I'm busy."

        "Ugh, seems like you lack inspiration. Ah, I wouldn't be surprised, you alphas really are a work of art," the omega sneered, stepping forward and gathering the bottom of his long, blue, skirt with his left hand before stepping forward. "Not me, I'm an omega; an independent and smart omega that isn't in need of any alpha. I know well enough about their dirty, tedious, thoughts."

       "Seems like you have it bad for alphas. Knowing that you're an omega, you should have been married off to one but I guess their 'tedious' minds were no match for your stubborn thoughts. That ribbon attached to the end of your hair tells me that you are an unmarried omega with no one else to bother about your needs."

       "I-I ah...I-" Jimin sputtered and let out a scoff right after. "For a commoner you really are a bold man to speak to an upper-class omega like that! I've never seen anything like this before," replied the omega with a smirk before dropping next to the king. "I like you; you do not kiss up to anyone! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Park Jimin; of the Park household and son of one of the most powerful Ministers."

       "Park Jimin, huh? You really are something else."

      "I like to think that I am," Jimin bragged. Park Jimin was the name of the omega the king seemed to be drawn to just by his beautiful looks. However, Jimin's hubris words just made him look like any other childish omega Jungkook just deemed as immature. "What's your name?"

       "," Jungkook lied. The king sealed his identity completely and didn't even bother to say the name of his fake household as well. Just then, Jungkook finally turned his head to finally gaze into the omega's eyes once more. Deep down, he just knew something was different about this omega, his scent and the way he made the alpha feel within seconds. It was all too much for Jungkook, but did he turn away? No, Jungkook was too much of a curious man to just leave Jimin so easily.

        "Hm... I've never heard of such a name here, are you from another town?" Jimin wondered as he finally looked into Jungkook's eyes with a charming curiosity sparking within the windows to his soul.

       "J-Just traveling," a sputter erupted from Jungkook's lips as soon as his eyes locked with Jimin's addicting stare.

       "Yeong-hwa, you will love it here! The Silent River has always been a great escape for me," Jimin replied and grew silent right before feeling the wind brush against his own skin. A sudden smile rose from Jimin's gleaming face as he gazed further into the horizon of the river ahead. "Nature is so beautiful, wouldn't you say so too? How the ripples of the river flows, how the wind blows from one direction and then switches to the next so gracefully, how the grass dances in sync with the wind and the flowers blooming all around us like spring; I just love all the little things that makes moments like these, worthwhile," the omega whispered.

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