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Chapter Fifteen

The last thing I wanted to admit was the fact that I was slowly falling into Harry's trap— the trap I was told to not get caught in before we became sexually active with one another.

The way I felt was indescribable because it was new, yet exciting. Allowing Harry to see me sprawled out on the bed with nothing to cover myself with brought an immense change into my live, seriously.

Before I didn't even try to look at myself naked, but now I do all because of him. Harry managed to make me feel like a Queen, helping me forget my reality for just a couple of moments.

Hearing my fathers voice at the door startled the both of us and I knew it was a matter of time before he started to suspect things. My father is oblivious to everything that's happening and the way I've been feeling for the past weeks, so you'd think he'd keep his calm.

But how wrong was I?

As I threw my clothes on, my father knocked and knocked until my mother came and joined in. Her feminine voice broke through my door, and that's when I panicked the most.

Sleeping with my undergarments was a regular thing for me, so it was my duty to make sure everything that was thrown off of my body was put right back on, and that's what consumed most of my time.

Harry on the other hand, jumped out of the window and landed on his feet perfectly before blowing me a kiss and disappearing into the dark fog.

I wanted to keep watching and make sure he was okay, but then I was reminded that my parents were right on the other side of my bedroom door.

Just like before, I was asked questions about my hair being all over the place, along with my attire and my father asked why I was so out of breath.

My throat was dry and I didn't really know what to say. I dreaded the thought of lying and I nearly almost told them the truth. This would be my second or probably third time lying to them and it made my stomach turn.

The first thing that came in mind when they described how fatigued I looked was.. exercise, so I told them that. They didn't believe it at first because I normally inform them about the new things I'm trying or thinking about trying.

My father blew it off quickly after convincing him that I wanted to lose a couple of pounds after putting some on when I ate my birthday cake.

Major lie.

My mother, she spoke to me about the rules and how she knew that I was getting older but I needed to keep the door open or at least cracked at all times before leaving.

Relief rushed over me when I was finally able to rest my back against the wall and reflect on everything that just happened now and before they showed up.

That night was a night to remember, but it also was my biggest regret. Unfortunately, it's been a week and still I haven't heard from Harry. He continued to post he and friends on social media getting plastered every chance he got, acting as if I don't even exist.

For the past days, I've been trying to figure out ways to get him and his adventurous tongue out of my head, but found no luck in doing so. Even when I was in church, I thought of him.

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