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Bella Hadid plays Sarah.

Chapter Fifty Seven _________________

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Chapter Fifty Seven

"I don't know about this..."

The transformation is beyond me. I went from looking like a regular, yet, extremely innocent young woman to an actual woman who currently feels fearless and ready to take on the world all alone without any protection from anyone else.

Sarah handed me a two piece that I was reluctant on accepting. Although Sarah shares the same body parts as me, I couldn't see myself dressed in something like this for someone other than just Harry. I felt super shy and embarrassed, wondering if she'll judge my thick thighs and tiger marks, as I call them.

I inherited the thick thighs from my mother that never went away no matter how much food I attempted to not indulge. As for my mother, she worked out harder than anyone and lost the meat in her thighs fairly quickly then encouraged me to do the same, but I just couldn't.

I understand that health is important, but I actually enjoy having a little weight sometimes because there's people out here who wish they could gain weight due to their body not allowing them. So far, every piece of fat that I gain goes straight to my hips and down— no where else. I don't have much of a stomach or plump face; I'm kind of just skin and bone when it comes to my upper body.

There are times where I also wish I was on the thin side considering the fact that certain clothes tend to look better on them than on those like me and they easily have the opportunity to become a model without a doubt. All you have to do is be skinny and tall to earn that spot. I could never have that spot.

As a young woman, I'm noticing a lot more things that I like and dislike about my body every day, especially now that Harry is around. I wonder if I'm getting too skinny or fat for him occasionally and those thoughts can be crucial to the human mind. I've told myself to not think so much and let things just... flow, but it's really hard.

Harry hasn't done anything to make me feel insecure, but it's just something that happens out of your control— like comparing yourself to others. As I stared at Sarah, I couldn't stop comparing my body, knowledge, looks, and experiences to hers. She also hasn't done anything to make me do that, but like I said... it happens.

"Don't think too much about it, darling. You look amazing— edible, actually." Sarah smirked at me through the mirror and my insides ignited with tingles.

"Who knows if Harry'll think the same...?" I asked her, looking into her light irises.

Shivers rose from my waist to my shoulders when her cold hands touch my sides, covering my light skin with goosebumps. Her touch was as light as a feather, yet, it affected me in the strangest way. I don't really know what to call these... feelings or urges that are happening. Do I have a thing for the blonde headed chick with red tips?

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