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Chapter Thirty Six

The commitment we made wasn't an ordinary commitment. We agreed to be friends, but that didn't stop us from leaning in and kissing each other. I'm aware that friends don't do this, but Harry and I weren't like everyone else which is obvious.

We're difficult, misunderstood, confusing— we're all of the above. I don't expect people to instantly have the ability to wrap their head around our relationship, but I hope those who do know about us will give it a chance.

Although Harry and I lifestyles are completely opposite, we have one noteworthy thing in common. We both have never been in an romantic relationship and truthfully, it has made things complicated with us because we don't know how to keep our feelings under control.

If we're being blunt here, a friendship isn't what I want from Harry. I want more, I want to experience what it's like to be loved by someone other than my family members. I want to go through the rough patches and the significant loving parts and still feel secured.

When we fight now, I don't feel confident because anything could happen. One day Harry could decide to drop everything and go back to New York without looking back whilst I sat inside my bedroom crying my heart out and wishing things would've went a different way.

Situations like this isn't typically the best times in a persons life. You can never be too sure about what might happen next and it frightened me.

My father was only down the hall from my bedroom, but his presence was the last thing on my mind as my lips molded with Harry's. Having him this close to me gave me the opportunity to figure out why his demeanor was so out of place earlier, which I still blame myself for.

As he plunged his tongue in between my lips, I noticed that it had a bitter sweet taste to it which reminded me of this wine that my mother had me try out about a year ago, but I knew Harry indulged something harder than that.

I couldn't be upset with Harry for what he said earlier about not caring about what I was going through because he didn't know anything about it. All he knew or assumed was that I began to ignore him for Liam, and that was far from correct.

I thought about Harry the most. I thought about him while I cleaned up, while I was doing homework, while I watched a romantic comedy, while I ate dinner— everything reminded me of him.

When I sat at the dinner table, I was reminded of the day when he fingered me under the table. When I was doing homework, I was reminded of an argument we had where he claimed that the name George should be spelled with a J. When I watched a romantic comedy, I was reminded of when he came over unexpectedly and ended up watching a movie on my living room television.

That was the same day that we kissed for the first time. It was also the day when he embarrassed me by taking my phone and looking through my internet app.

I broke the kiss by chuckling against Harry's lip, confusing Harry by my sudden actions. When I think of it now, I laugh. I don't feel the need to get embarrassed by it anymore.

"What's so funny?" Harry smiled at me, placing his hand under my chin.

"I was just thinking about the first time you came into my room. You were being so darn nosey that day." I told him while laughing and shaking my head.

Harry soon joined in when he recalled the day. "Let's not ignore what you were searching up on that phone of yours."

"There's a thing called privacy, you know?"

"Well... there's a thing called incognito mode." Harry tickled my sides, making me fall back on my bed. I laughed and he quickly moved his heavy body to hover over me. "You're so beautiful."

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