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I swear some of y'all be comparing my book to real life as if I didn't say something about that in the introduction.

Don't ya brain hurt, yet? 😩

Chapter Forty Nine - Pills and Devastation__________________

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Chapter Forty Nine - Pills and Devastation


My stomach twisted and turned until the urge to vomit became evident in my throat as I sat in Gemma's passenger seat with my shaking hands clamped together on my lap. Everything started to have a triggering affect on me; after every bump, my breath hitched and I nearly leaped out of my seat.

I couldn't even understand how Gemma was able to drive without shedding a tear or showing any sign of distress while I felt like breaking down the longer we stayed in the car and drove down the slippery streets of Seattle to the hospital, which seemed to take years.

It's crazy how one minute you can be arguing with someone then the next minute they could either be dead or on the verge of dying if the doctors don't do their part in the best way they can and I prayed that everything worked out because I'm not ready to lose Harry— no one is.

I don't want to suffer in this way; I don't want to lose someone that I've became very fond of and found myself caring for more than anything in this world other than my family. He's changed my life for the better. I've smiled more, I've laughed more— I felt happier than ever although I have been a bit snappy.

My biggest fear was losing him, but not through death. I thought we'd just part away and mourn for a while before continue our lives as if we didn't know each other, which didn't sound great in my head but if things came down do that... I wouldn't have any choice but to accept it.

I'd have to miss out on being that woman he woke up to every morning and kissed on the forehead before getting up for work or something. I know that sounds pretty cliché, but the thought of it made butterflies flutter in my stomach.

I knew that Harry would be the man I told my children about one day when they'd ask me questions about my previous relationships from before I ended up with their father because I did the same thing when I was younger, so it's expected of my children to inherit that part of me.

The main question I'd ask repeatedly was, 'when did you guys know when you were in love?' and the both of my parents would explain their past relationships and their current, so when my little ones ask... I'll say I knew when I was eighteen and met a man by the name of Harry Styles.

"I love him," I whispered to myself before blinking and allowing the tear to fall down my cheek. But how could I love Harry so quickly? Shouldn't I only feel this way when it's been a year or at least nine months max?

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