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Jisoo's POV

"Chaeyoung-ah can we talk?" I asked her.

We're here at our study room now, my chipmunk is still busy just like before.

I deep sighed and sit beside her.

"Hun, please let's talk" I hold her hand and caressed it.

She sighed in defeat and face me. She signaled me to continue.

"What was the problem? Can we talk about it, you can tell me if you're struggling with something, I'm here, don't forget that" I assured a smiled at her.

"There's no problem Jisoo, I'm just busy you see it right?" She said in calm manner. Making herself busy again.

She's giving me again this kind of treatment, I don't like this, I don't want to get annoyed but she's always like this.

I'm stopping myself reach it's limits, I don't want us to fight again.

"I'm just asking, I'm worrying about you Chaeng. I can't feel you anymore, you were not that opened to me this passed few days, it's like I don't know you, it feels like I'm just a stranger to you now" I said stopping my tears to fall down.

She huffed and face me again.

"You want me to answer you? Okay I will give you my answer. I need space Jisoo, can't you see it? Or you're just stupid blind to question me again. I want us to cool down, this is not healthy anymore" she said.

She then stand up and starting to pack her things. While me I'm speechless, I'm dumb it's like I got hit by an over speeding truck.

I'm still processing all the words she just said.

"Wh-What did you say??" I asked now dumbfounded.

"I need space Jisoo, I'm sorry" She said and zipped her luggage bag.

"No, no, I won't allow you. No this is ridiculous, put your things back, no one is leaving this house" I said while unzipping the bag.

"Jisoo enough"

"No Roseanne! I wont let that happen!" I shouted still unpacking her things.

"I said enough!" She yelled frustratingly.

I got stuck on my position. No this is not happening. No, no. She can't do this.

I stand up and face her. I hold her hand but she aggressively get it back.

"No Roseanne, no you're joking right? This is just a prank right? Tell me please. Tell me that you didn't mean it ple--"

"I mean it, please Jisoo I need a break. I need to find myself first, just give me that please" She said almost begging me.

This time I let my tears fall down. I don't know that this is going to be painful as hell.

No one is speaking, no one dares to move.

"Did I do something Roseanne?" I asked her almost in whisper.

"No Jisoo, you're not at fault, it's me. I need a break for myself, I'm tired" she said.

She holds my shoulders and caress it. It makes me calm.

I took a deep sighed and hold her both hands that in my shoulders.

"Just promise you'll be back, I will wait for you Chaeyoung-ah" I said while looking straight in her eyes.

She took a deep sighed and paste a light smile on her face.

A BROKEN PROMISES (BOOK ONE) °Chaesoo°Where stories live. Discover now