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Celeste and Draco spend a year at each other's throats, putting on friendly facades when their parents are watching and tearing out each other's hair when they're stuck in a room alone.

And then sixth year comes. The Dark Lord gives them a task that seems impossible—both to do and to build up the courage to do. Maybe they've been given this task to punish their respective families, but that doesn't change the fact that it's either complete it or watch their parents die.

And then seventh year comes. They see their Dark Lord's efforts begin to come to fruition. This is what they wanted, isn't it?

The thing about dark magic is that it isn't by nature evil. It can be used for good just as well for evil. It is the intention that makes it evil, and it is when curiosity turns into avarice that's it becomes truly dangerous. As tacky as it is, there is only one power in the world strong enough to allow a person to resist the temptation of and to defeat the Dark Arts: pure love.

Celeste and Draco fall in love, but this isn't a love story. This is a story about what might have happened if they both had just a little more love in their lives.

hi everyone, i'm cal :)

this is my draco malfoy fic! i hope you enjoy it. i've put a lot of thought into making it enjoyable while also creative. i'm sure we've all read tons of fics about the slytherin girl in a pureblood family who disagrees with her family's views.

well here's a story about a boy and a girl who are both incredibly imperfect. they both have grown up with adults telling them what to think, and they both deserve a redemption arc.

the main character of this book is a dark-skinned black girl! again: dark-skinned. she is not mixed. her hair is very incredibly curly. i can't control your minds, but she does not look like zendaya, because zendaya is not and should not be the only representation black women have, especially when a character is 100% black.

FYI. each chapter begins with a little banner that either says "CELESTE" or "DRACO" with a date beneath the name. if it says CELESTE, it's in her POV. if it says DRACO, it's in his POV. whatever the date is, that is the date the chapter takes place in.

another thing: i know fifth years are typically fifteen for most of the year, but i'm aging my characters up by one year since there will be some mature content. they start out sixteen years old. the wizarding age of adulthood is eighteen.

mature content (like, a lot)
suicide ideation + possible sh
emotional/physical abuse
violence and fighting
alcohol use, drug use
general dark themes
general toxic relationships

please, if you have triggers that aren't listed, comment here and i'll add it to the list if i think it'll show up in the book.

what do you think makes a fanfiction good? bad? what do you wish you could see more of?

anyway, enjoy :)

equinox is out now ! go read 😁😁

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equinox is out now ! go read 😁😁

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