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When I get off the phone with Gray I grab the piece of paper with the address on it and tell Melly bye and head to my car

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When I get off the phone with Gray I grab the piece of paper with the address on it and tell Melly bye and head to my car.

Doesn't take me long to get there and man what a beautiful house on the beach just my kind of place.

Doesn't take me long to get there and man what a beautiful house on the beach just my kind of place

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It looks huge for just two people to live in.  I get out and see Gray sitting in a rocking chair on the porch.

"Thanks for coming Avah. He has gotten himself in a predicament and he didn't want me to call you. Follow me." He said.

"Levi I'm coming in," Gray said.

"Well hurry up dickhead. Oh sorry hey, Avah." He laughed.

"What in the world Levi have you done?" I asked.

"I was trying to take a shower and well all was fine until I tried to get out and now my hip feels locked." He said.

"Alright we can get you out of this but Gray I need your help," I said.

"Ok, whatever you need." He said.

"I want you to hold onto him while I get in the shower and soothe his leg and move it up and out," I said.

"Levi I'm going to try and massage your leg in a certain spot to get it to let go ok?" I said.

"Ok." He said looking at Gray and he is grinning like the Cheshire cat.

I move my hand up his leg moving up his thigh and push in hard in a couple of spots and I can feel a pop.

"I'm going to fall." He said.

I reach across him and grabbed his leg with both my hands causing my elbow to touch his dick. Wow, that seemed big... Shut up Avah

"Ok let's get him to bed so I can assess if he messed anything up," I said.

Gray helps me get him in bed then said he needed to run home.

"Avah I'm so sorry I know you don't do house calls," Levi said.

"Actually Levi we do and I think it would be easier if I came here for your therapy." I smile at him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive I just need to fill out a little bit of paperwork and have you sign it and I can come three times a week and we can do exercises in bed and also walk around you have a big place here," I said.

"It's nice but it's not mine. I mean it is but isn't. Umm wait let me clarify. It's Gray's house but he gave it to me" He said.

"Gave it to you?" I asked.

"Yeah his now-wife Remi she moved in next door and they fell in love and he spent more time over there so he moved in with her and gave me this place." He said.

"Wow, a generous brother. I always wanted to live on the beach." I smile.

"It's nice for sure. Before all this sometimes I would jog to Remi's store and eat a cookie." He laughed.

"Oh, so Remi owns a store?" I ask.

"Yeah on the beach it's called Cookie Grounds and she makes the best cookies. That's how Violet learned how to make cookies." He said.

"I'll have to check that place out. I live in an apartment on the other side of town but I can see some of the beach from my window but nothing like this." I said turning around looking out the window.

"The view is way better upstairs but yeah I'm not getting up there anytime soon so Gray he moved my bedroom down here for me."

"Sounds like a great brother you got," I said continuing to fill out paperwork.

"That he does," Gray said stepping in with Violet and Sierrah.

"And who do we have here?" I asked.

"I'm Violet are you taking care of my daddy?" She smiled.

"I am. It's nice to meet you Violet I'm Avah." I said.

"You're pretty! It's nice to meet you. Aunt Remi said to bring you these." She hands me a container.

"Are these the famous cookies I hear about?" I ask.

"Yup and I helped make them." She said smiling.

"Well thank you I most definitely will enjoy them. And who is this cutie?" I ask Gray.

"This is my daughter Sierrah. She wanted to see Uncle Levi." Gray said.

"Hi, pumpkin! Today it has to be air kisses." He said.

"It's ok I love you." She blew a kiss.

"Alright come on let's leave them alone. I'll bring her back after dinner and bring you a plate, Levi." Gray said.

"Thanks, Gray! Bye girls." He said.

"Well, they sure are cute," I said.

"Oh, there are two more. They have twins." He laughed.

"Oh, my twins. Sounds like they have a handful." I laughed.

"Not counting Violet she practically lives over there but she craves female attention." He said.

"She's a beautiful girl. Ok, so I filled these out. Just sign in these two spots and we will be all set for tomorrow. What time do you want me to come?" I ask.

"Anytime in the morning, I'm usually awake because of Violet going to school. She leaves here around 7:30 so anytime after that is fine with me." He said.

"Alright, I got you down for 8:30 in the morning. I don't have another appointment until noon." I smiled.

"I really appreciate you coming here and helping me." He said.

"Umm your still in a towel would you like me to grab you some shorts or something? A shirt maybe?" I laugh.

"That would be nice. Umm 3rd drawer down is shirts and 4th is shorts. Anything will do." He said.

I found a black pair of basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. Will this do?" I ask.

"Sure umm could you help me? I'm kinda in a predicament." He laughs.

"Sure I can do that." I help him turn so his legs are hanging off the bed and slip the shorts up to his towel. I help him stand and he pulls them up what he can with my help.

I put the shirt over his head and as I pull it down we stare into each other's eyes for what felt like a minute until I stepped back.

I help him back into the bed. "I should get going. I'll see you in the morning, Levi." I smiled.

"Thanks again Avah! I appreciate it. See you tomorrow." He said.

I walked fast out of that house to my car.

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