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I'm not sure why I'm going over to Levi's

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I'm not sure why I'm going over to Levi's. Maybe I really liked the kiss and wanted more? I really liked that he apologized about yesterday even though my reaction was shit.

I gel my hair and put on a little makeup and a cute sundress with flip flops.

I lock my apartment and head down to my car. I still feel like I'm being watched but I don't see anyone and shake it off.

I run to chick-fil-a and grab us some lunch before heading to his house.

When I pull up at Levi's I sit in the car a second and catch my breath. I grab my phone to text him.

📱Hey Levi I'm here.

📱The door is unlocked come on in.

I grab the bag and drink tray and head for the door. I open the door and see him sitting in his recliner.

"Wow, your up!" I smile.

"Gray came over and helped me to clean up and put clean clothes on and make it to my recliner." He smiled.

"Well, that's great! I brought some food and drinks." I walk over to where he is and sit it down on the coffee table. "Where is Violet? I would have brought her food." I said.

"Oh, she's with Gray he was going to take them to the beach to build sandcastles." He said.

"Oh, that sounds like fun." I smile getting out the food.

"I'm really glad you decided to come over after yesterday. I was worried you wouldn't come back and wouldn't even do the therapy thing." He said.

"I would never do that Gray. I just needed to get my bearings is all." I smile handing him a chicken sandwich and waffle fries.

"I'm glad to hear that then. Did you talk to your mom last night?" He asked.

"Oh I did and she had a blast over here. Levi she seemed like her old self and when I told her Remi's parents were her neighbors she said good maybe I can see those cute kids again." I laugh.

"Gray said that Ruthie took a liking to your mom yesterday." He smiled.

She told me she asked where Violet's mom was and I'm sorry that was none of her business." I said.

"It's fine Avah it's no secret that Violet's mom is a piece of shit. She left us high and dry when Violet was six but Courtney and I started having problems when she was five. I suspected she was cheating and well it went downhill from there." He said.

"How long have you lived here?" I ask taking a bite.

"Four years and three years ago the divorce was final. I haven't heard from her since. She gave up her rights." He said.

"What? What kind of mother does that? Poor Violet." I said.

"Oh, she struggled until Remi come along and took her in and they have been best friends ever since. She did tell Gray you were pretty." He laughed.

"Your laughing why?" I ask.

"She told Gray the same thing the day Remi moved in next door and Gray was like whatever until later that night her dryer caught on fire and came running over not knowing he was a firefighter." He laughed.

"That's funny! And I guess it was happily ever after then huh?" I smile.

"You know it. Those two are still so in love it makes me jealous at times." He smiled.

"My best friend at work Melly she's been with her boyfriend for a few years but I don't think I was never jealous just lonely I guess," I said.

"It's amazing the passion she has for cookies and her family." He said.

"I love my parents but my real parents were killed in a car accident when I was four months old. I was told I have an older sister but I've never met her or know anything about her." I shrugged.

"Wow, that's interesting. I think maybe I would want to meet her if it was me." He said.

"Maybe someday but sometimes it's best to leave sleeping dogs lie you know? But, weirdly, I feel like sometimes someone is watching me and I just wonder." I said.

"Really? That's scary and weird Avah. Do you have protection?" I ask her.

"You mean a gun? Sure at home but probably need one in my purse. My dad taught me a long time ago." I smile.

"Your cute and you know how to shoot a gun.  Do you think you could help me over to the couch? I'd like to sit beside you and maybe watch a movie? Not much I can do." He laughs.

"Sure let me throw this trash away," I said walking into the kitchen. Once I walk back I help him to get up and stretch and use the bathroom and then back to the couch.

I plop down beside him and smile. "So what movie do you want to watch?"

"It doesn't matter to me. He said handing me the remote. "I heard that 365 movie was good."

"What? Ummm I heard some things about that movie." I choke out.

Levi laughs. "I just wanted your reaction. I heard Remi talking about it."

"Jerk!" I laugh.

"Help a guy out I mean I do have a broken hip. I need some sort of excitement." He laughed.

"I'm not sure to take you seriously or not Levi." I stare at him.

"I'm just being funny but I know you touched my junk the other day." He laughed.

"I never did." I scoffed.

"Your elbow says otherwise." He laughs.

"Omg when you were in that towel? I'm sorry geez." I said.

"I'm not." He laughed and turned my face toward his.

I was so lost in his chocolate brown eyes that I didn't even see him leaning in for a kiss until his lips were on mine.

Once I realize I return the kiss. He pulls back and looks at me and smiles. "That was nice Avah."

I smile at him... "That it was Levi."

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