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We get in the truck and head to the Jax's house

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We get in the truck and head to the Jax's house. Violet is all smiles in the back and Avah is focused on the road. I reach my hand over and place it on her leg and squeeze.

We pull into her parent's driveway and Violet knows where we are at. "Hey! Remi's mom and dad live right there!" She points.

"That's cool isn't it munchkin?" I said.

Ava parks my truck and comes around to let us both out. Violet looks all around and smiles when Jay comes out of the garage.

"Hey, guys!" He said wiping off his hands on a rag.

"Hi, Jay! I brought cookies!" Violet smiles.

"I'm cookie monster then." He laughs.

I chuckle and Avah does too. She looks up and smiles when she sees her mom on the porch.

She walks in front of me backward as I use my walker up the sidewalk. Thank goodness they don't have a lot of steps or I would be screwed.

"Hi, guys!" Jody smiles.

"Hey, mom!" Avah kisses her cheek.

"Hi, Jody! I made this for you." Violet hands her the card as I sit down.

"Oh my goodness it's been years since I got a homemade get well card. It's so beautiful Violet." She wiped her eyes.

"Come sit on my lap and let's share those cookies," Jody said.

"Don't hurt her Violet," I said.

"She's fine Levi. I'm glad you could make it today." She smiled.

"We had a sleepover last night and of course I fell asleep during the movie but Avah she fixed my hair and helped me to find the perfect dress. Smell me Jody I got some of her perfume on." She smiled.

"Well looks like Avah fixed you right up didn't she?" Jody laughed.

"I even got to see her apartment yesterday!" Violet giggled.

"Well, you have been a busy girl." Jody smiled.

Avah and I just stared at them and smiled. They acted like we weren't even here.

"Remi's mom and dad live right there!" Violet pointed.

"They do huh? Well, I need to meet these nice people." Jody smiled as Jay walked up.

"Can I have a cookie Violet?" He chuckled.

"Sure we made a bunch." She said with her hand on her hip.

"How old are you girl? 25?" Jay laughed.

Violet giggled and covered her mouth. "I'm only 10."

We all laughed. Then Jody turned to "Avah why don't you go get us some lemonade. Maybe Violet would like to help."

"Sure I can help." Violet smiled and followed Avah into the house.

"Thanks for sharing your little girl with us Levi." Jody smiled.

"Oh she has taken a liking to Avah and I can't pry her away from her." I laugh.

"She reminds me of Avah when she was little." Jay smiled.

I saw Remi's vehicle pull up at her parents and when she got out I hollered at her and she was shocked to see me.

I waved her over and she came with both twins hand in hand.  "Well hey, guys! I couldn't figure out who you knew here and how you got here Levi." She laughed.

Just then Violet and Avah walked out. "Aunt Remi!" Violet said.

"Hey there! I come to pick up Sierrah let me grab my parents so y'all can meet." She said.

"Leave these two with us they will be fine," Avah said.

Wyatt sits on the porch but Ruthie made a beeline for Jody.

"Ok, I'll be right back. Twins be good." She pointed.

"They will be fine." I chuckled.

Wyatt got up off the porch and walked over to me. "Uncle Levi, can I have juice?" He asked.

"Sure little man. Take a drink of mine." I said handing it to him.

It wasn't long until Remi walked back over with Sierrah and her parents.

Remi stopped at the porch and smiled. "Boy, it's a small world. Mom, Dad this here is Avah's she's Levi's physical therapist. These are Avah's parents Jay and Jody. Guys these are my parents Wyatt and Ruth." She said.

"Nice to meet you all." Avah smiled.

"It's nice that you guys are close. We can always use more friends." Jay said.

"I see you always working in the garage under a hood I would like to see," Wyatt said.

"Sure let's go!" Jay smiled walking off the porch.

Ruth comes sits in the seat Jay got up from and put little Wyatt on her lap. "Well, we lost those two."

"It would seem so." Jody laughed.

I looked at Remi and Avah and smiled seeing they hit it off right.

"Levi you look uncomfortable," Remi said.

"Yeah, a little bit." I sigh.

"Levi honey you can go inside and lay on a bed if you need," Jody said.

"I appreciate that," I said.

Avah got up and walked over to me. "Want me to massage your leg or do you want to go?" She asked.

"I think I would like to go so I can lay down and nap," I said.

"You guys go on and I can bring Violet when we head home," Remi said.

"That sounds good. I'm very sorry to have to go Jody." I said.

"It's ok honey just make sure and come back again." She smiles patting my hand.

I watch Avah walk over and kiss her mom's cheek and hug her. "I'll call you later ok?"

"Ok baby! You guys be careful." She said.

I get up on my own and Avah helped lead me down the sidewalk and got me in the truck before she walked back to tell Violet bye and then go hug her dad.

She got in the truck and we headed back to the house. She looks good driving my truck.

"Hey, I'm sorry we had to leave I should have just stayed home," I said.

"No Levi it's fine I promise. I can go back another time."

"I hope so," I said reaching over grabbing her hand.

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