Blades of the Lotus: A Warframe Story

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Alright, so this here is kind of a pilot for what I feel like would be a pretty cool idea. After reading a few of the comments in my Q&A(I think?) I got the message that people wanted to know more about the Blades as characters in order to better understand them and relate to them.

So with that in mind, I'm going to start a new series called Blade of the Lotus, which tells the story of the five Blades beginning from their Awakening to the first chapter of Remnant's Only Tenno, which is Skye's arrival at Remnant. 

The characters I will be covering will include all of the Blades, including Skye, the one we all know the best. I did give her some back story with the Ocean Dreamers chapter, but I feel as though she deserves more.

However, I will not be calling her Skye in this story, since she doesn't adopt that name until she gets to Remnant, so instead she will be called Banshee, as the Tenno know her as.

All of the story will take place in the same universe, but I will not follow the basic story in Warframe, because since the game's mainline quests are all the same, the same events would happen multiple times. So, again, I will not follow the Warframe plot.

With that, let's enter the Origin System, and start from the beginning.


The first thing that the Tenno wondered was why it was so dark. Why were they sleeping in such a cold bed? Where the hell were they anyway? They just existed, unmoving, unseeing, unhearing. Until they heard a voice. A soothing, warm voice. 

"Wake up, Tenno," it said into the empty expanse of their mind. The first thing they heard was a dull hiss, followed by the extreme cold on their skin. And then, they felt the dull pain of falling into the hard ground. Ow, the Tenno thought.

"Ugh, everything is sore," she said. And then she realized that she was female, "Oh. Okay." Her eyes took in the surrounding area. It was an empty tundra, and she had just awoken from a strange silver pod in the middle of a mountain.

She looked down at her hands. Red skin flashed back at her. "Huh, okay. That's not weird at all." Her attention turned to the mountain she stood on. The height was way too far to jump off of, and she didn't even know where she was. "Ah, so I'm stuck here. Awesome." She pursed her lips and sat down, a little defeated.

After about ten minutes, she heard something unfamiliar. The sound of whirring, like engines. She couldn't tell how she knew what an engine sounded like, but this was definitely an engine. A huge shadow flew overhead. She looked up and saw a massive spade-shaped ship, which landed above her. Another voice, mechanical, human, but not quite.

"Hello, Tenno. I will be your ship Cephalon. Call me Cephalon Quintus."

Sorry guys, but that'll be it for today! I'll be making a separate story file for Blades of the Lotus, so be sure to check it out when I release it!

Edit: I have finished the first chapter of the spin-off, so here's the link to the story page!

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