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6:30 am

Seungcheol's pov

'GET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' is the first thing I hear on the morning of my first day of sophomore year. I slowly get out of bed and see soonyoung and jihoon already up and cooking me breakfast.

'I can make my own breakfast you know. I have been living alone long enough.' I grumble.

'As your neighbours and childhood best friends we have the right to see you eat food other than ramen' jihoon says calmly while soonyoung yells

'YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD CHOI SEUNGCHEOL. NOW BRUSH YOUR TEETH AND GET READY WHILE WE CLEAN UP' He yells with such ferocity that I run inside the bathroom as soon as he finishes his sentence while jihoon helps him calm down.

That's the difference between me and them. They are good looking and good at studies and nice while I am just a nerd who tags along with them. They look forward to school while it is a hell for me that I have to finish to get a decent job and college. I go to my room and change into a normal hoodie and jeans. I come out and see them set the table.

'Come on let's eat' soonyoung calls and I join them. We were having scrambled eggs and bacon and I must admit it's good to eat something other than ramen and leftover food of the restaurant where I work.

'Thanks ji and soon. I don't know what I'll do without you.' Soonyoung looks pleased while jihoon mouths "good one" to me. I do the dishes while they go get ready. They come out of their apartment just as I am locking mine. We walk down the stairs and on the 2nd floor we meet seungkwan and mingyu. They are in my school and seungkwan works with me. They can be hard to get along to but once you do, they are very loyal and nice.

'Gosh have you seen the school's forum?' seungkwan asks us as soon as we join him.

'We are not this free to be on the school forum the whole day.' soonyoung says but seungkwan ignores him.

'Apparently yoon jeonghan's last year targets christopher bangchan and lee felix have gone back to australia.' All of us looked horrified since we were quite close to them.

'I wonder who their next target will be' I wondered as they kept chatting away while we were on the bus.

7:30 am

I'm waiting by my locker for jihoon and soonyoung while they say hello and ask about a million people's summer. I was getting my textbook for my first class korean history and start to head to homeroom where all the sophomores are supposed to gather before dispersing for our class. I reach the auditorium and sat at the very back.Soon more people started to file in and I see jihoon and soonyoung sit with hwang hyunjin and kim seungmin in the front. My notifications ping and I see a message in our group chat

                                                                        "POOR PEOPLES"

Small boi

sorry seungcheol we can't sit with you


will definitely meet for lunch.

  I turn my phone off and see yoon jeonghan strutting inside with his posse. His posse consisted of wonwoo,jun,joshua,vernon and lee chan. 

'So you all must be wondering who my next target is.' Saying this he starts walking up with his goonies behind him. I ignore him and open my textbook instead. Suddenly I hear a gasp and look up to see jeonghan stop at my desk.

'So looks like we have found our next person' jeonghan declares and everybody gasps a little more audibly but for some reason I wasn't scared much and felt like laughing instead.

'does it not scare you.... (he takes my textbook from me) choi seungcheol?'

'No not as much as you would like me to be.' I say noncholantly and snatch my textbook from him. Thank goodness Mr. Park came and started the orientation.

Jeonghan's pov

Mr.Park comes and I sit down quite a few seats away from the boy. He seems...................... odd. I have never seen not scared of me before. I turn next to me and see chan and vernon in a makeout session. I turn to my other side and see joshuji.

'It's weird to see your younger brothers in a makeout session isn't it?' I ask joshua and he just laughs.

'I guess we are gonna have to get used to it.' He says and goes back to his phone. My brother chan and his younger brother vernon got in a relationship over the summer. It has been months and yet I'm not used to it. I crane my neck to see my next target. He looks pretty cute actually. He has black hair and very pretty eyes and plump red lips. He dosen't pay attention to the teacher till she says it's okay to leave for our classes. Wonwoo, Jun and I leave for our korean history class while chan and vernon go upstairs for their first class. They never attend there own orientation. We reach the class and see seungcheol with some redhead and some grey haired dude.

Seungcheol's  pov

Soonyoung and jihoon catch up with me on the way to class. There faces have the look of worry on it.

'Did he actually fucking choose you?' soonyoung says while jihoon says nothing at all. Many times he opens his mouth but words don't come.

'Listen both of you, I'm fine and don't worry too much about me. I'll handle it. If I can't well............ we'll figure out what to do then.' Itry to reassure them but they still look worried.

'Bangchan and felix said the same thing but look what happened to them. You don't see them in school do you?'

'Don't worry. Now sit down for god sakes. Mrs. Kim is here.' They sit down and Mrs. kim starts. The whole class goes fine except I notice a empty seat next to mine. 

'So in the first korean war-' and gets cut off by three boys entering the class. I look up from my notes to find jeonghan,wonwoo and junhui standing at the entrance.

'Come in boys. You are all 15 mins late to class. Detention for all.' she says while they come inside and pay no attention to her.

'Let's see........... jun behind hyunjin, jeonghan in front of jisung and wonwoo next to seungcheol.' All the boys move to their place. I see wonwoo throw his backpack down and then takes out his phone to play games. I ignore him and bend down and continue to take notes. He says nothing to me till the end of the class 'I feel sorry for you' and walks away for his next class. I head for my math class but get stopped by seungkwan,mingyu,seokmin and minghao.

'What are you guys doing here? Today is your first day of high school. Go to your class' I try to scold them but they ignore me

'Did jeonghan hyung really choose you?' seungkwan asks

'Are you really sitting next to jeon wonwoo?' mingyu adds

'Have they done anything to you yet?' minghao asks, concerned

'I'm gonna beat them up if they do anything to you.' seokmin finishes

'Yes and yes to the first question and no to the third and thanks seokmin, you are the best.' I tell them and promise to tell them everything during lunch. I start to go back to class when................... 

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