19- stay away from her

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An: George and Jesse finally kissed! But when there's a love triangle it isn't that simple.

It was almost the new year, Thomas couldn't handle all the attention George was getting from Jesse, why did this have to be so difficult? He just wanted Jesse but she wouldn't just feel the same it happened last year too. He knew what he had to do. He got up early and headed towards the Gryffindor common room and Waited for the redhead to leave.

Soon after he got there, the two redheads left the common room. He walked up to them "can I speak to George. It's about jesse" George looked at Fred before following Thomas to a more secluded area "is she okay? Did something happened?" George asked, thinking Jesse was hurt "shes fine" Thomas replied which made George sigh happily

"I want you to stay away from her." Thomas spoke with a stern look on his face "stay away from her?" George asked, confused over what the boy had said "yes. Stay away from her, she chose to go to the ball with me. If she wanted to go with you she wouldn't declined me. We've been having a strong relationship since the start of fifth year and since she met you, it got in the way of us. So I want you to stay away from her." George was taken aback from this comment from Thomas "okay.. I'll stay away from her. But I can't stop her talking to me" George replied and walked off, he was angry and annoyed but didn't want to fight with someone who Jesse thought of as a friend.

As classes started up again, Jesse was confused over the fact George hadn't spoken to her in awhile. She always loved their little chats in the library, even though George wasn't one to go to the library, he'd always accompany her when she was studying, making little comments and jokes making her chuckle. She missed it, hopefully she could talk to him in potions about it.

Jesse was heading to potions and sat down in her usual seat. When George entered the classroom he knew what he had to do. He had already discussed it with lee. He sat in lee's place across from Jesse with lee sitting next to her. She looked into George's eyes and frowned. She thought about Christmas Day and how perfect it was, she wished they would go back to then and not have this distant George who wasn't speaking to her.

The lesson became boring with her favourite Gryffindor sat next to her. Lee was just as bad as him as potions but she missed the jokes they had between them, which lee would not really meet up to.

After the lesson was over, Jesse caught up with George and pulled him aside "what's the matter with you Georgie? You haven't spoken to me since Christmas Day" she said, looking up at the redhead "I just need some time to myself.. I'm working on my joke shop so I don't have time to talk with you" he said as he walked away, he hated it. He had left her stood there with confusion and heart break and he wanted to punch Thomas so badly for making him do this. He loved being around the slytherin girl and hated being apart from her. It couldn't do it anymore.

Opposites Attract , A George Story Where stories live. Discover now