23- the second task

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It was that time again, the second task was upon us which meant we were one step closer someone being the champion and receiving the gallons plus eternal glory. Jesse didn't have much need to go see this task however George had invited her since Harry was in Gryffindor.

She was heading down to black lake with George, he had put his Gryffindor hat on her head, she complained for a couple minutes as she was a slytherin wearing a Gryffindor beanie.

They got to the boats and George got in first, holding his hand out for Jesse to climb into the boat. She gripped George's hand tightly and got into the boat, sitting next to him as Fred and lee go in after them. "Why did you make me come to watch this challenge" she asked George, still gripping his hand tightly "because you've come to support Gryffindor" he added.

Once they reached the stands, George got out and helped Jesse out of the boat, she sighed and followed him to where they'd be watching the challenge from. She leant against the railing on the second level of the stadiums in the black lake. Fred pulled George aside "you you stupid?" He titled his head whilst looking at his brother "remember last year when lupin was here and we had to face that boggart" George nodded before realising "oh merlin.. she's petrified of water, I remember now"

"Next up Jesse" Professor Lupin spoke, she walked up to the boggart, it turned into the ocean, Jesse in a boat and her getting chucked out by a wave, before she drown she sounded "Riddikulus" she shouted, holding her wand up to the boggart, it slowly turned into a theme park which made her chuckle. She headed to the back of the line and breathed out, holding back her tears.

George walked over to Jesse and wrapped his arm around her shoulders "I'm sorry.. I forgot you didn't like water" he spoke, Jesse smiled and looked up at George "it's okay don't worry" she nodded "I'll look after you don't worry Jess" he said with a nod. He nodded "you're right there" he said before they listened to Dumbledore explain the challenge.


After the long wait, Cedric soon emerged from the water with Chō Chang from Ravenclaw, they had to retrieve something from the bottom of the black lake. She shivered at the thought of being at the bottom of the lake. Soon after, Krum emerged with Hermione. Everyone was chattering over fleur, she was disqualified due to being attacked whilst in the lake.

The hour was almost up and there was no sign of Harry anywhere. A couple moments later, a small girl and Ron popped up from the black lake without harry. Ron helped the small girl to the platform as Harry emerged and people cheered as he swam to the platform.

Dumbledore and the other invigilators went to discuss who was winning. They returned and it was announced that due to his bravery, Harry was given second place, with Krum in third as he didn't fully transfigure into a shark.


Jesse was finally back on land. She let out a sigh as she practically fell to her feet. George quickly helping her up "I'm sorry again for making you endure that" he spoke, helping her to her feet. She walked back up to Hogwarts with George, slipping her hand into his, squeezing it slightly. They didn't acknowledge the hand holding but they've done worse like snogging in the corridor on Christmas Day.

"So Gryffindor are having a party if you'd like to come?" He suggested which Jesse shook her head to. "How about we go to the astronomy tower?" She suggested before she pulled him towards it and away from the school again. "It'll be quiet there" she added.

They both reached the top of the astronomy tower. Jesse stood and turned to George "you know.. the last time I was up here alone was with Thomas.." she looked down with a sigh. George walked over to her and lifted up her chin "I would never treat you like he did to you last year" he said with a smile.

George looked into Jesse's eyes, there was a moment of silence before George kissed Jesse softly, he wrapped his arms around her hips and held her close. Everytime they kissed, Jesse loved it, it felt like there was a million fireworks going off in her stomach. George loved it as well, it just felt perfect. They pulled apart and Jesse panted slightly "you're good at that" she spoke before giving George a hug.

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