61- when we were kids

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An: so this is another flashback, but for Elise Jesse and Thomas. I wanted to show them as children and meeting in their first year. So this chapter will also be a little longer to explain everything.


Jesse got off the boats and walked up to hogswarts, her and others were gathered in a small room next to the great hall. They were soon called in and were waited to be sorted.

"Blossom, Jesse" she walked up to the stool and sat down before getting the hat placed on her head. She sat there as the hat mumbled slightly "fiery, strong but also caring and understanding.. but a willingness to prove ones self and become great.." it paused for a moment before shouting out "Slytherin!"

She then stood up and walked over to the slytherin table and sitting down. She was congratulated by a few slytherins and she was soon joined by a girl named Elise "hi I'm Elise~" she spoke with a smile "I'm Jesse" she said.

A boy was sat under the hat, named weasley the hat sighed "another Weasley.. better be.. Gryffindor!" He stood up and smirked before heading to the Gryffindor table and joining another redhead. "Oh twins I see.. must be.. Gryffindor!" It shouted when the next boy sat down who looked exactly the same as the boy before.

Soon everyone had been sorted and a brown haired boy sat across from the two girls Called Thomas "hi Thomas, I'm Elise" the girl next to Jesse spoke "hello Elise, and you are?" He said whilst he looked at Jesse "oh Jesse~" she said politely "I noticed the sorting hat took quite some time before sorting you?" He said in Jesse's direction "oh.. I think it almost put me in Hufflepuff. My father and sister are both Hufflepuff but i think my mother will be happy as I'm a slytherin like her" she said with a small smile.


Over the first week, the three became very close and hung out whenever they could, the lessons that the Slytherin's had with Gryffindor annoyed Jesse slightly as it was taken over my the two redheaded twins. She complained about them to Elise and Thomas a lot whilst in the common room.

She worked hard on her lessons and hoped she would join the slytherin team in her second year, she was excited to start the flying lessons as her mother had already started teaching her over summer.

Jesse sat next to Elise in the common room and sighed "those twins are so annoying!" She complained to Elise and Thomas "they keep working with that poltergeist peeves to play pranks on other students and apparently slytherin is a number one target" she exclaimed

Thomas nodded in response "mhm! A boy named Adrian was already pranked by the duo twice this week!" He said with a small sigh "I bet one of us will be next" Elise added whilst putting her feet up on the coffee table infront of her.

Jesse talked with Elise and Thomas until around 11pm, they all got on and Jesse knew that they would most likely be friends for life and she had already created an amazing friendship with the two. Luckily her and Elise shared a dorm so they usually talked boys and such. She was happy that she could enjoy her time at Hogwarts.

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