chapter 22 - daisuga

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"my house or yours?" she asked, holding his hand as the two left school together.

daichi unlocked his car as they approached, michimiya getting in on the passenger's side.

"mmm...yours?" he finally answered.

they had been dating for about two weeks now and every time daichi walked into practice nowadays, all he could feel was everyone's intense glares. he knew he hurt suga, but he didn't expect this much of a reaction from his teammates either.

mostly, everyone was confused and annoyed that he started dating yui so soon after ending things with suga. no one really understood why daichi decided to move on so fast after being in a two year relationship and he felt no obligation to explain himself to anyone.

the annoyance came mostly from the excessive amount of pda that the couple showed; before and after practice, in the halls at school, at lunch, walking to and from school, etc. they were always either holding hands, kissing, both on the cheek and on the lips, or being simply obnoxious.

not only that, but yui was always wearing something of daichi's, whether it was his practice jacket, his hoodies, or even his t-shirts. it was like she was trying to brag that they were together.

and honestly, it got on suga's every last nerve.

he couldn't stand seeing michimiya anymore. he had thought that they were friends before, but after this betrayal? suga couldn't even be in the same room as her without wanting to punch something or cry or both. maybe he was being petty, but not even he understood why they were together.

"she gets it..."

"she's one of the only people that really understands..."

daichi's words echoed through suga's mind constantly and still, none of it made sense to him.

daichi never felt any need to explain himself further. not even to suga. he was done feeling guilty and he wanted to focus on himself and what he wanted.

for him, michimiya was safe. being with her was comfortable.

when his parents dropped the divorce on him, all he felt with suga was that he was a burden to him. he knew that suga's parents weren't the most harmonious couple either and that it was tough on suga's mental health, especially on top of all of his other insecurities.

whenever daichi wanted to talk about how he was struggling, he didn't dare open up to suga because he didn't want to burden him further. and so he kept everything to himself, neglecting his ex towards the end of it all.

but with michimiya...

"i get it parents are divorced too. they have been since i was 11. i know how hard it can be at first, but you'll get through it and things will start to get better in time."

daichi felt like he could talk to her. she was stable and she understood what he was going through. he felt like he could talk to her without being a burden with all the problems he carried on his back. he could be himself around her and open up...all without hurting her the way he was hurting suga.

after a few minutes of driving, daichi pulled into yui's driveway and the couple got out of the car and went inside.

yui's parents weren't home yet, so they went upstairs to her room to do their homework. both of them tossed their backpacks next to her bed and sat down on top of the throw blanket, taking out some notebooks and folders.

they started doing their work, asking each other questions from time to time since daichi was more of a stem person while yui was better at humanities. time passed, and eventually they grew bored of their work.

"mm...dai?" yui sighed.

"yes?" he looked up from his paper.

"let's do something fun and take a study break or something," she answered, a slight hint of lust in her eyes.

*slight NSFW warning*

"like wha-"

michimiya crashed her lips into daichi's, pushing him down onto her bed while straddling his groin. she pulled away for a second, only to take off her shirt and throw it on the floor, revealing a peach colored lacy bra.

daichi grabbed her waist and pulled her back down on top of him, placing messy kisses along her neck. as her bra straps fell off her shoulders, daichi sucked on her chest, leaving purplish-red marks all over.

michimiya grinded her hips against his quickly growing erection, causing daichi to flip her over and climb on top of her instead. he too, took his shirt off, revealing his muscular chest and toned abs.

daichi started pulling yui's pants down, yui kicking them off as daichi started taking off his as well. suddenly, she sat up and began rubbing his groin, earning a slight moan from daichi.

"don't you dare fucking tease me," daichi demanded.

"and who's going to stop me? hmm?" michimiya answered with a dirty grin on her face.

daichi grabbed her by her hair and turned her head as he marked her neck even more, before meeting her lips again.

michimiya swiped her tongue across daichi's lip, to which daichi responded by slipping his tongue inside her mouth.


"shut up,"

"make me."

daichi deepened the kiss as their tongues met, dancing together between their mouths as yui turned the two of them over and wrapped her legs around daichi's waist.

he took this opportunity to squeeze her ass, his fingers fiddling with the edge of her thong.

"ah, ah, ah. nope. i'm pleasing you today," michimiya whispered, pulling down daichi's boxers to reveal his rock-hard length.

she immediately got to work and wasted no time putting her hands all over him, finally wrapping her mouth around his tip.

hmm...a bit sloppy...wait fuck, stop thinking that.

michimiya swiped her tongue all along his dick as she sucked on him, daichi groaning in response. bobbing her head up and down, she took more and more of him into her mouth, slightly gagging the further she went.

he could do better...shit! shut up, shut up, shut up!

yui took her mouth off of him and started using her hand again, moving it up and down his length, but to no avail.

"i'm sorry...i just...i have a lot on my mind...i can't-" daichi began.

"it's okay. i understand. don't worry about it time?" yui answered.

"next time..." daichi agreed.

they grabbed their clothes from the floor and redressed themselves, daichi taking a look at his watch and realizing how late it was.

"yui, i gotta get home. i'm switching houses tonight and i have to pack," daichi muttered.

"alright, call me if you need anything, okay? pick me up at 7 tomorrow?" she replied.

"yup, as usual."

daichi made his way out of her house, and got in his car, putting the key in the ignition.

ugh...why? why am i thinking about him? i thought i was done...

he shook his head, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. finally, daichi drove home in silence, his thoughts a constant flurry of confusion in his mind.

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