chapter 110 - end of the year party

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"kōshi? are you ready to go?" daichi called up the staircase.

"yeah! could you me down the stairs please?" suga responded.

daichi met suga at the top of the staircase and took his crutches. he then took suga's arm and slung it over his shoulder, helping him carry about half his weight as they hobbled down the steps together.

"thank you," suga smiled..

"of course love. dad? we're leaving for ushijima's now!" daichi yelled down the hall.

"okay! have fun! be safe! please don't do drugs!" daichi's dad answered from the kitchen.

"that might be hard considering how much weed ushi grows," suga chuckled.

daichi shot suga a quick glare before opening the front door and following suga outside to wait for their ride.

"how long is your license suspended for again?"

"umm...about 7 more months."

"right...oh! semi's here!" suga pointed out the approaching car. it slowed to a stop as semi rolled down the passenger side window to reveal himself and terushima.

"get in losers," he smirked.

the couple got in the backseat of the vehicle, a silver honda CR-V, and buckled up before semi began driving. suga set down his crutches on the floor then connected his phone to his airpods, handing one to daichi.

"do you have a preference for music?" suga asked.

" you still have the playlist you made for me? i-i mean...if you deleted it, i understand, you can pick something else," daichi mumbled.

"...i still have it," suga replied quietly, finding the playlist and putting it on shuffle.

suga began humming the instrumental of the song as daichi tilted his head, trying to figure out which song it was.

"is this foster the people?"

"mhm," suga nodded.

daichi began drumming his fingers on top of his knee, bopping his head slightly as the chorus began.

"ooh la love, i've fallen in love and it's better this time than ever before. ooh la love, i've fallen in love and it's better this time than i've ever known," daichi sang, his voice struggling with some of the higher notes.

"your range sucks," semi teased from the front seat, earning a sharp laugh from terushima.

suga gently nudged daichi's shoulder as they stopped at a red light.

"hey! i'm trying, okay?" daichi pouted. suga giggled lightly, leaning over to kiss daichi's cheek.

the captain blushed and bit his lip, trying to contain himself.

"i missed you, you know that?"

"you tell me every day, dai."

"i know."

"you guys are so cheesy," terushima joked.

"pfftt, like you're not?" semi commented, shooting the johzenji captain a rather knowing glance.

the four remained relatively quiet for the rest of the car ride until the drove up ushijima's driveway.

"oh tōru's here!" suga exclaimed, pointing at iwaizumi's unmistakable chevy truck.

"okay, okay, let me park and then we'll help you out of the car," semi answered.

at last, they were out of the car and suga was already rushing to the backyard gate where music was playing. daichi spotted a stray volleyball in the grass as well as a few swirls of smoke, likely from the grill.

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