chapter 105 - daisuga

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"yes kōshi?"

"can you come here please?"

daichi hummed and stood up from his desk, then made his way toward the bed where suga laid on his stomach. the captain sat down on the edge of the mattress and peered over suga's shoulder.

"see this problem?" suga pointed at his textbook, "what's the answer?"

daichi squinted at the numbers on the page and began solving it in his head.

"uhh...60x?" daichi hesitated.

"...wrong. that's the derivative of 30x2, not the integral. seriously dai, i don't know how you haven't already failed calculus without me these past few months," suga shook his head.

"i mean, the internet is pretty helpful? and you know i suck at math," daichi pouted, gazing at suga like a lost puppy.

"you suck a lot of things," suga instantly retorted.

"when i asked you for calc help, i didn't mean getting teased about it," daichi frowned, "i just need to make sure i pass this next test, otherwise i won't pass the class and be allowed to graduate."

"i know babe, but you're better than this. you know how to study, so how did you fall so far behind?" suga asked, concern evident in his tone.

"well...there were a lot of reasons..." daichi trailed off.

"right...i'm sorry daichi, that was insensitive of me. i'm here to help you now, okay? we're going to graduate together if it's the last thing we do," suga rubbed daichi's knee.

"graduation is getting really close, isn't it? feels like yesterday we just met during 1st year," daichi reminisced.

"a lot has happened since then...oh, dai?"


"where did you end up committing to for college?"

"tōhoku, why?" daichi tilted his head, puzzled.

"you're kidding."

"i'm not?"

"so you stuck to our pact from 2 years ago?"

"well...yeah i guess so. it's a good school and it's not too far anyway," daichi shrugged, "where are you going?"

"daichi...i'm going to tōhoku too," suga replied, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

"really?? wow, we still really haven't caught up after months of barely talking, huh?"

"sure seems like it...i guess we both ended up subconsciously sticking to that agreement we made when we first got together," suga commented.

"this is good though, right?"

"of course! we can actually try to be together again and not have to break up or do long distance," suga assured him.

"oh you think that means that bokuto and akaashi...and iwa and oikawa...and all the other 3rd year couples are going to-?" daichi started.

"that's not our business. that's up to each of them to decide together, but i wish them all the best anyway."

"you're right...i'm glad that we can stay together though," daichi smiled.

"why wouldn't we stay together?"

"not that...i'm just happy that i can keep my second chance with you. it could be like a fresh start for college," the captain beamed.

"you are so's adorable," suga gushed.

daichi leaned down and kissed the top of suga's head before ruffling his ash blond hair.

"i really missed you kōshi," the captain placed his hand along suga's cheek.

"i missed you too," suga answered softly, reaching up to hold daichi's hand.

"thank you," daichi whispered.

"for what?" suga chuckled, feeling daichi's thumb brush his chin.

"for believing in us."

"you don't have to thank me, daichi."

"why not?"

"because i love you...and i'll always love you. none of that requires any thanks daichi," suga sat up on the bed and faced him.

daichi took suga's face in his hands and pressed their lips together, slow yet affectionate. he pulled away first and rested his forehead against suga's.

"i love you too kōshi."



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