chapter 67 - bokuaka

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"bye keiji! see you tonight," bokuto exclaimed as he stepped into the penthouse elevator.

akaashi didn't feel like answering so he just stayed quiet, letting his boyfriend leave to wherever it was that he "worked."

he sat down on the couch and opened up the TV. after flipping through channels for almost an hour, akaashi groaned in exasperation, shut the TV off, and tossed the remote on the other side of the couch.

at this point, akaashi had watched so many old reruns of countless shows and didn't know what else to do. he was restless, trying to find something to occupy his mind and distract him from his paranoia.

why won't he just tell me where he works? he's not cheating, right? after all, he always comes home smelling faintly of alcohol which makes sense because he said he bartends.

akaashi took out his phone and began scrolling through the same three apps over and over again, not surprised at the lack of notifications he had.

find my iphone? i forgot i had this...

akaashi opened the app and signed in.

wait...bokuto is on the same phone plan as me...and the same apple account...what if i-?

akaashi shook his head and immediately closed the app, quickly noticing the impulsive thoughts that interrupted his conscience.

if i track his phone, i could find out where he works...and surprise him-no, no...that's an invasion of privacy....but, one peek won't hurt, right?

akaashi sighed heavily and gave in, opening the app once again and clicking on the icon of bokuto's phone to see it's location.

he zoomed in on the screen, trying to read the names of the places around where bokuto supposedly was.

downtown tokyo...why is there no name on the building that the phone is in? what if it's someone's house? oh god...

he clicked on the icon that read "directions" and found the address of the location.

20 minutes...that's not too bad.

"what the hell is wrong with me? this is straight up stalking him..." akaashi muttered under his breath.

i shouldn't...i should just ask him about it upfront...but, he keeps on deflecting the topic.

without a second thought, akaashi got up from the couch and slipped on his jacket. he grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet and stuffed them inside the pockets before stepping into the elevator.

this is so wrong...but here goes nothing.

he took the bus downtown and got off at the stop closest to the address. after walking around for 15 minutes, akaashi finally read the map on his phone correctly and found the building.

he looked up at the neon sign that shone brightly, illuminating his face with colored light.

seventh heaven? what the hell...

he googled the name of the establishment on his phone, typing furiously as his suspicions grew even further.

a strip club?

"that doesn't make any sense..." the setter mumbled to himself.

what if...what if he's been meeting someone here? shut up, shut up, shut up! you're not thinking clearly...kōtarō wouldn't do that to me, right? he loves me...

"shit!" akaashi hissed before getting in line to enter the club.

it wasn't long before he made it inside, immediately bombarded by the heavy bass that shook the entire building and the blinding strobe lights.

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