chapter 52 - oikawa

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suga stood on oikawa's front doorstep and raised his hand to knock on the door.

i shouldn't even be here.

impulsively, suga rapped his fist on the door, cringing as he heard footsteps inside growing closer.

the door opened to reveal oikawa, a tray of chocolate chip muffins in one hand while his other sat on his hip. the seijoh setter raised an eyebrow at suga, confused at why his friend had shown up so suddenly.

"hi tōru..." suga mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"kōshi...what are you doing here? not that i mind, of course! you're always welcome, but what's up?" oikawa asked.

"i-i was bored...and i didn't want to be alone," suga half lied.

"uh huh, sure ko-chan. act like i don't see right through your bullshit. get in here already, tell me what's going on," oikawa said, practically dragging suga inside the house and making his way to the kitchen.

"okay, you caught me. i didn't lie about not wanting to be alone, but i'm here because i don't want to be at home right now," suga admitted quietly.

"is it because...?" oikawa trailed off, his tone softening with concern.

"yeah. they're fighting again."

"i'm sorry, kō bad is it this time?"

"enough to make me wish that they would just get a divorce already," suga answered bluntly.

"kōshi, don't say that. you don't mean should consider yourself lucky that your parents are still together," oikawa stated.

"yeah, yeah. i know. i just hate being in that house. i can't stand mom is always saying she's going to leave my dad and then the next day they're fine again," suga ranted.

oikawa leaned against the marble counter as suga sat down on one of the bar stools.

"and don't even get me started on daichi. right now i'm convinced that him and bitchimiya broke up because he came into practice the other day sulking. i'm lowkey kinda happy about it, but the part of me that still cares is worried about him," suga finished.

"no, no, no, do NOT worry about him. you need to get over him suga. i know you still have a soft spot for him and everything, but i swear, if you go crawling back to him, i will sangwoo your ankles without hesitation," oikawa threatened, pointing his finger in suga's face.

"but what if he wants me back tōru?? i know i shouldn't, but knowing me, my weak ass will probably give in to him in seconds," suga whined.

"don't you dare."


"i said NO, ko-chan."

"but i think i still love him..."

"ALRIGHT NOPE, NONE OF THAT BULLSHIT!" oikawa rushed to the other side of the counter and yanked the bar stool from under suga, the gray haired teen falling to the floor, flat on his ass.

"FUCK! that hurt, you bitch!" suga exclaimed, getting up and rubbing his behind.

"maybe i need to slap some sense into instead. suga, listen. he dumped you right after your 2 year anniversary, and then replaced you only a few weeks after. stay. away. from. him."

" didn't have to remind me...i know, but i can't control how i feel," suga tried to reason.

"you know what you need? you need a hook up. just to get your mind off of him. it'll help you get over him, i swear," oikawa suggested.

"what? no! you know i don't sleep around like that," suga retorted.

"fine. want a muffin then?" oikawa held one out in his hand, small whisps of steam still coming off of it.

suga leaned in and sniffed the baked good. it smelled like a normal chocolate chip muffin, but there was something off about the sweet scent.

"did you...?" suga questioned hesitantly.

"yes. yes, i did."

"may i ask why?"

"stuff with iwa. i just wanted to get a little high and relax because i can't stop thinking about everything he said when we hung out a few weeks ago," oikawa explained with a sigh.

"i'll pass for today, but you have to tell me what happened," suga insisted.

oikawa shrugged and took a bite of the muffin himself.

"well, i might be stupid, but i asked him about kaede," oikawa said, his mouth full.

"okay, and how badly did that go? is she a bitch or something?" suga asked.

"quite the contrary. he said he really likes her...he said he feels an 'actual emotional connection' with her and enjoys spending time with her," oikawa rolled his eyes, his hands still held up as he gestured quote marks with his fingers.

"well...isn't that...good?" suga tilted his head in confusion.

"yes, but now i'll never have a chance with him!"

"then you should have confessed to him ages ago, tōru. but somehow you're still too much of a coward bitch to say anything," suga jabbed at him.

"shut up," oikawa mumbled through another mouthful of muffin.

oikawa scarfed down a second one as suga stared at him and shook his head in disappointment.

"maybe you're the one that needs a hook up," suga joked.

"pffttt, maybe."

oikawa reached for a third muffin before suga smacked his hand away.

"awh, c'mon!" oikawa complained. "i made them and therefore i should get to eat as many as i want," he pouted.

"you're already stoned and now it's just the munchies talking."

"ko-channn! you're so lame!" oikawa crossed his arms and pursed his lips as he turned away from the karasuno setter.

"yeah, whatever, just go sit down or something. i don't want you to do something stupid."

suga pushed the brunet out of the kitchen and into the living room, oikawa flopping onto the couch as suga claimed the recliner in the corner.

oikawa chuckled suddenly.


"i...ahah just had a funny thought...hahahaha," oikawa chortled.


"ahaha what if we hooked up ko-chan? i know you think i'm hot just as much as i think you are," oikawa giggled viciously, shooting suga a quick wink.

"eew! no! never!" suga cringed, a shudder rolling through his body.

"you're no fun, ko-chan," oikawa frowned, turning his chin up at suga.

suga only rolled his eyes in response, a small smile forming on his lips as he shook his head at his dopey friend.

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