chapter 80 - daichi & suga

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"kōshi, are you sure you're okay in the front seat?" his mom asked gently.

"yes, i'm fine mom, i promise," suga assured her.

the car ride to school was quiet. suga's crutches equipped with the cushions that akaashi had sent him sat in the back seat.

suga's mom drove slowly. very slowly as to not startle suga in any way, but frankly, suga was growing impatient.

of course, he didn't want to say anything knowing that his mother meant well, but at this rate he'd be late to open the gym for morning practice.

suga was bummed about not being able to play, but there was nothing he could do about it. he agreed with coach ukai that he'd sit on the bench and observe practice, making observations and giving advice to his fellow teammates.

as soon as suga's mom pulled into the parking lot behind the gym, asahi and kiyoko ran up to the car and greeted her. kiyoko opened the back seat door to grab suga's crutches while asahi helped suga out of the car.

"you guys really didn't have to get here before me just to help," suga chuckled, adjusting himself on top of his crutches.

"what kind of friends would we be if we didn't?" asahi insisted, kiyoko nodding in agreement.

the three third years made their way to the gym door to unlock it only to find that someone else had already done so.

suga peered down at lock, a quizzical look across his face, before asahi pushed the door open.

daichi was alone inside the gym setting up the net. the volleyball cart had already been brought out and all the lights were on.

"you're here early," suga commented flatly.

"oh...uh...yeah," daichi answered awkwardly.

"i, umm...i'm going to go fill up some of the water bottles," kiyoko mumbled, shuffling away to the storage room.

"sawamura, do you need help setting up anything else?" asahi asked monotonously.

"no, i'm just about done," the captain answered.

"alright," asahi turned to suga, "i can go put your bag in your locker if you want? so you don't have to worry about it when class starts?"

"yeah, okay," suga stumbled on his crutches slipping off his backpack and handing it to asahi.

"before i forget again, what's your locker combination?" asahi questioned.

"'s umm..." suga started.

"i can go put your bag away if that's easier...i assume the combo hasn't changed?" daichi eagerly interrupted.

suga blushed slightly.

"i see...i think i can take care of it myself, thank you very much," asahi glared down at daichi.

asahi walked out of the gym with suga's stuff leaving him alone with daichi.

"ahem...umm...h-how have you been?" daichi stuttered.

"we don't have to talk."

"i was just asking how you were."

"how the hell do you think? my leg is broken and it's pretty much your fault," suga replied harshly.

"i-i'm sorry...i really can't apologize enough. i was stupid and i have no excuses...i'm sorry kō."



"you don't get to call me that anymore. it's sugawara to you now."

"oh...okay. i'm sorry," daichi stared down at the floor.

"jesus, stop apologizing. it's getting old and it feels like that's all you ever say to me now," suga rolled his eyes.


the tension in the room was so thick that you could run a knife through it. suga took the first opportunity he had and made his way to the bench where he sat down and set his crutches on the floor.

"i wasn't lying...i may have been hungover, but i really wasn't lying about what i said," daichi broke the silence.

"do you really think this is a good time for that discussion?" suga answered, the annoyance clear in his voice.

"n-no...i guess i just...i'm still you feel...nevermind, this is stupid. i'll stop talking now," daichi turned around and started walking to the storage room.

"wait, daichi, i-" suga began, causing daichi to stop in his tracks.

i have to shut him out...i almost gave in when we were in the car...i can't let him in again.

"i-i'm just wondering," suga cleared his throat, "h-how you got here so early...i've been opening the gym for months now..." suga stammered.

"i walked here."


"the car's wrecked, my license is suspended, my mom refuses to drive me, so...i walked."

"'s below freezing out..."

"i wore a jacket."


daichi turned on his heel and started walking back to the storage room again.

"wait! more thing..." suga cringed at himself.

"yes?" daichi asked, tilting his head.

" did you remember my locker combination?"

"well...assuming it hasn't could i not remember?" daichi shrugged, turning away from suga for the last time.

suga's shoulders slumped as he realized what daichi had meant.


he still remembers...our anniversary?

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