chapter 76 - daichi & suga

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"suga? he's waking up! shhh...ko-chan? how are you feeling?"

suga slowly opened his eyes, cringing at the bright white light above him.

his vision was still blurry, but he could easily identify oikawa's voice along with semi's silhouette at the side of his hospital bed.

"ouch...i...feel like...oh god..." suga rubbed his temple only to find strips of medical tape wrapped around his entire head.

"it's okay, you don't have to answer, just rest. akaashi is on the train right now, he'll be here in a few hours by the way," semi hushed.

"i feel like i had to sit through kageyama and hinata screaming at each other for two days straight."

"ah, he's fine," oikawa chuckled.

suga sat up in the small bed, his eyes widening at the sight before him.

his entire right leg was slung up and put in a cast.

suga tried to turn his head to check his arms, but the brace around his neck restricted him from doing so.

"what the fuck?" suga breathed. "how did i get here? i-oh...right..."

everything came flooding back to him.

walking to school in the cold.

getting in the car with daichi.

daichi telling him he loves him.

the red light.

the other car.


"DAICHI TOLD ME HE LOVES ME!" suga blurted suddenly.

"excuse me, what?"


"i-we talked...about his drunk texting...he said some things and then i said some things...and he told me he loves me..." suga trailed off.

"nuh uh, nope, nope, nope. i'm gonna whoop his ass," oikawa stood up from his chair.

semi yanked his arm and pulled him back down into his seat.

"shush, you aggressive bitch," semi deadpanned, "suga, forget that for a second, how do you feel? can you rate your pain?"

"11. now, can someone tell me what happened? i get that the car crashed, but like," suga gestured angrily at his leg and neck.

"uhh, i think the doctor said your femur broke and your fibula is fractured. they already did surgery yesterday and put a plate along the bone to stabilize it while it heals and of course, well, you have a cast now," oikawa explained quickly.

"yeah, you got some whiplash too, but you only need to wear the neck brace for a few days. they still need to test you to see how bad your concussion is though," semi added.

"basically, no volleyball and you're gonna be stuck on crutches for a few months," oikawa finished.

suga groaned and leaned back against the pillows behind him.

"i hate this...wait...what happened to daichi?" suga asked, a slight hint of concern in his tone.

"well...the other person that hit the car...they didn't see daichi's car because of the fog that morning. they hit the front passenger's side so you took almost all of the impact...the car spun out and a few bystanders called the police-" semi began.

"but where's daichi?" suga repeated.

"the other driver is fine, it was mostly daichi's car that took the most damage-" oikawa interrupted.

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