chapter 81 - bokuaka

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"keiji! i'm heading to work now!" bokuto shouted, standing by the penthouse elevator.

"bo wait!" akaashi came rushing down the stairs, "c-can i...can i come with you tonight?" he stuttered.

bokuto was taken aback, his head tilting in slight confusion.

"oh...well...i guess you know where i work now, so it's not a secret...and kenma'll probably be there hanging out while kuroo's working..." bokuto muttered to himself.

"so...can i come?"

"you know what? why not? you can hang out with kenma too!" bokuto answered excitedly.

"sounds fun," akaashi smiled back.

"just...just don't make another scene like last time, alright?" bokuto raised his eyebrows, slightly teasing the setter.

"me? i would never!" akaashi fake-gasped, "let's just go," he chuckled.

the couple left the building and took the bus together downtown, their hands intertwined the entire time. after the 20 minute commute, they had finally arrived at seventh heaven and bokuto led akaashi through the back door employee entrance.

bokuto punched his time card and led akaashi to the bar.

unlike bokuto, akaashi was not accustomed to the loud music and flashing lights that bokuto had to deal with every week. while the ace had already easily adjusted to the thumping bass and strobing brightness, akaashi was still visibly cringing and squinting his eyes.

bokuto stepped behind the bar and gestured toward a stool in front of him for akaashi to sit at. akaashi followed his instruction and sat down, watching as bokuto tied his apron on and pinned his name tag to his shirt.

wow...he looks good in a bow tie...

"'re staring..."

"shit, uhhh..."

"ah," bokuto brushed off his shirt and adjusted his tie, "i knew you'd like the work uniform," the ace beamed.

akaashi flushed a deep red before feeling a tap on his shoulder. he turned around to meet a familiar cat-like gaze.

"kenma," akaashi said, slightly startled at kenma's sudden appearance.

"'kaashi," the pudding head nodded.

"hey, i'm gonna go change. you gonna be okay?" kuroo came up behind him.

"of course. i've been coming with you the past few weeks, haven't i? besides, akaashi's here now too," kenma shrugged.

"alright kitten, see ya," kuroo pecked kenma quickly on the cheek, earning a harsh blush from the nekoma setter.

akaashi's eyes widened, "kitten, huh?" he snickered.

"shut up...i told him not to call me that in public," kenma mumbled.

akaashi simply laughed in response and kenma punched him in the shoulder. the two setters sat at the bar most of the evening, making small talk and admiring their respective boyfriends at work.

akaashi had to admit that kuroo was good at stripping, however nothing could compare to seeing bokuto all dressed up mixing drinks.

he watched as the ace flirted his way to extra tips, serving cocktails with his signature charm and good looks. akaashi couldn't help but grow possessive of bokuto as he watched how all of his customers always seemed to flirt back.

bokuto had just taken an order from a customer adjacent to where akaashi was seated and moved to grab a glass from under the counter.

akaashi's eyes locked on his lover as he watched bokuto pour two bottles of liquor at once, clearly displaying his refined bartending skills. bokuto felt akaashi's stare and looked up for a moment, winking at the setter.

akaashi licked his lips and propped his head on his fist, his deep turquoise gaze never breaking away from bokuto's gold. the ace's cheeks suddenly dusted a light pink, his hands becoming fidgety.

bokuto reached for a stirring rod only to knock the entire glass over, spilling the drink onto his shirt.

akaashi giggled to himself, watching as bokuto desperately tried to clean up his mess. eventually, maeda-san came over and started wiping up the spilled alcohol, handing him a clean button down to change into.

bokuto rushed out from behind the counter and made his way toward the restroom, not noticing akaashi close behind him.

bokuto didn't bother to use a stall, seeing as there was no one else in the bathroom. the ace quickly unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it to the side and slipping on the clean one.

the setter slowly pushed the door open, peeking around the corner at bokuto who had just noticed him in the reflection of the mirror.

"keiji, what are you doing in here?" bokuto asked, fumbling with his shirt.

"i needed to use the bathroom," akaashi lied with a grin.

"bullshit," bokuto muttered, "i knew you were messing with me-dammit! why are buttons so difficult??"

akaashi stepped toward the ace, taking the shirt in his own hands.

"of course i was messing with you...seeing you all flustered because of me's kinda hot," akaashi admitted softly, not once looking up at bokuto as he started fastening the buttons.

bokuto placed his hand on akaashi's jaw, tilting his head up to meet his eyes.

"i can't have you distracting me keiji," bokuto whispered, his voice low.

akaashi smirked, his heart rate quickening.

"and who's gonna stop me?"

something snapped within bokuto as he suddenly grabbed akaashi's waist, turned him around, and pinned him against the counter, forcing him to face the mirror.

"i will," bokuto answered, his breath hot on akaashi's neck.

the ace immediately began placing sloppy kisses along the setter's jaw, lightly sucking on his pale skin. akaashi's eyes fluttered shut as he let out a soft moan.

bokuto ran his fingers through akaashi's dark locks, gently gripping his hair and pulling his head to give himself better access. he continued along akaashi's neck, leaving a few dark marks around his collar bone, not once giving akaashi any control.

"take a look keiji. watch me," bokuto breathed.

akaashi opened his eyes and stared ahead into the mirror to see bokuto pressed behind him, his head buried in akaashi's neck.

the sight was erotic enough to make akaashi's heart skip a beat as he caught a glimpse of bokuto's bare torso. bokuto moved up and nibbled on akaashi's ear, earning a slight gasp from the setter.

"kōtarō...ahh...b-but...the bar..." akaashi panted.

" you want me to stop?" bokuto murmured, his voice husky.


bokuto suddenly pulled away, akaashi shuddering at the loss of contact and warmth. he finished buttoning up his shirt and stretched his hand out to akaashi whose cheeks were still brushed with a dark pink.

"we can finish that later," bokuto smiled, "but for now, i still have work to do."

"o-okay," akaashi managed to reply.

oh, how i've missed him...

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