chapter 63 - daichi & suga

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"can we please play something else??" suga exclaimed out of breath.

"5 STARS BITCH!! BEAT THAT!" oikawa yelled, the colorful screen in front of them displaying their scores.

"how the fuck do you have like every dance memorized?" suga groaned.

"i've been playing just dance since middle school, ko-chan. it is my expertise," oikawa bowed slightly.

"i thought baking and being a cowardly bitch were your expertise," suga retorted.

"hey! meanie..." oikawa punched suga in the arm.

"i'm not wrong and you know it. have you even talked to iwa about what happened that night?"

"no. he doesn't remember anything and i'd like to keep it that way."

"i doubt that. you and your horny ass are probably desperate to tell him and finally get laid for the first time in years."

"shut up! you're just as hopeless and you know it," oikawa stated, crossing his arms.

"i do, but at least i told daichi how i felt. now i'm just stuck here waiting and wondering," suga reasoned.

"i am once again telling you that you need a hook up or something to get you to start moving on from him," the seijoh setter rolled his eyes.

"it's impossible and i refuse to sleep around," suga answered, his tone final.

"you must be so deprived."


"c'mon! i could set you up with someone from bout someone from the swim team? huh? huhhhh??" oikawa nudged the gray haired teen in the shoulder.

"i said no tōru! at least...well, at least not until i know how daichi feels."

"kōshi, you can't wait for him forever."

"i know but-"

"no buts!" oikawa took a step towards suga, their faces only inches apart.

"if you don't let me set you up with someone, i'm swear i will sign you up for a dating app," oikawa jabbed at suga's chest.

"oh god, anything but that," suga rolled his eyes.

"fine! so stubborn, smh," oikawa shook his head.

"did you just say 'smh' out loud?"

oikawa glanced over at suga.

"and what about it?"

"remind me why i'm friends with you again?"

"honestly, i couldn't tell you," oikawa shivered, rubbing his arms. "hey it's chilly, you wanna grab some hoodies from upstairs?"

suga nodded and the two headed up to oikawa's room. suga flopped onto the bed as oikawa opened up his closet, sliding the hangers across until he found two sweatshirts.

"alright, aoba johsai teal for me and pastel yellow for you!" oikawa threw the hoodie at suga's head.

the two setters began changing, oikawa taking off his shirt as well.

"why are you taking your shirt off?"

"hoodies are more comfy this way," he shrugged.

"but doesn't that make you less warm?"

"shut up, that's not the point!"

oikawa slipped his head through the opening of his sweater, but not without suga catching a glance at oikawa's toned body.

"ko-chan, are you staring?"

"what?! no, i'm not!" suga blushed furiously, shoving his head inside the sweater to hide his flushed face.

"you definitely were," oikawa smirked.

"i was not."

"you were," oikawa repeated, taking a step towards suga. he glanced down at the smaller setter, a vicious gleam in his eye.

suga crossed his arms, his brows furrowed and a pout across his lips. suga took a step closer to oikawa, almost challenging him.

"so what if i was?"

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