chapter 31 - daisuga

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early august

these days, it was always suga that opened up the gym for morning practices. daichi started to arrive later than usual because he always picked up yui in the morning, so suga took the key and the initiative.

the team had a few tournaments coming up, so practices were also more frequent. morning practices every other day in addition to practices everyday after school. and it wasn't that the team was playing badly, but they were most definitely not playing their best.

ever since daichi had dumped suga, it wasn't long before the rest of the team found out. it was none of their business really, but the team atmosphere had somehow become colder, especially towards their captain.

after, who could respect someone that hurt someone else so badly like that?

not only that, but almost everyone had noticed suga being quieter than usual and he hadn't been offering his usual observant advice either.

every morning practice they had, daichi would walk in with michimiya before kissing her goodbye, and every time, suga had to make up some bullshit excuse to leave the gym while she was there.

otherwise, suga knew that he'd snap if he had to see them together more than necessary.

this morning was no different.

suga unlocked the gym, changed into his volleyball sneakers, and went to the storage closet to start setting up the net. kageyama and hinata came racing in, out of breath, as usual. the second years followed along with tsukki, yams, and yachi. ukai and takeda came in next, and finally after another 10 minutes, daichi walked in, his hand wrapped around michimiya's.

no one really hated michimiya to be honest, but none of them were particularly nice to her either. every time daichi pulled her in for a kiss on the cheek before she left, she always received ice cold glares from every player in the gym.

today, suga couldn't come up with an excuse to leave the gym as the couple walked in. the reason being that he was distracted by the annoyance that welled up inside him as he saw her wearing yet another one of his hoodies.

seriously? again? why is she always wearing one of his hoodies? i swear to god that little backstabbing bitch...

before he knew it, suga turned and started towards the couple, fuming. suddenly, he felt someone grasp his arm and pull him back.

"suga...i know what you're thinking. don't do it. leave them alone," asahi whispered harshly, his tone sharp and serious.

"i can't fucking take it anymore asahi. i'm tired of acting like a cowardly little bitch every time they walk in. i'm tired of keeping all my thoughts to just makes me insane and i need to say something," suga hissed.

"think this through. don't say something you might regret, kōshi," the ace warned.

"i make no promises," suga yanked his arm back and made a beeline straight for michimiya and daichi.

"hey daichi! yui," he said with a nod. "nice hoodie, but don't you have any other clothes in your wardrobe? hah, or maybe you left them all at daichi's house...oh wait...houses," suga smirked mischievously.

"back off kōshi...that's enough," daichi asserted, stepping in front of yui.

"no, you know what dai? it's okay. i'm sure suga has a few words to say to me too, and i'd like to hear them," yui commented.

"wow! how considerate! i can't believe that we used to be friends. who would've thought that you'd end up backstabbing me like this?" suga fake laughed, an unstable glare in his eye.

everyone in the gym paused and stared at the scene unfolding before them.

yui took a moment to collect her thoughts before she spoke carefully. "suga...look. i know i hurt you and i'm sorry...really, i am. we haven't been close recently and i didn't think you would be affected so strongly like this. if there's anything i can do i-"

"that's funny! really...i can't believe that you still think you could fix this whole mess. it's laughable, honestly. you know what? you two deserve each other. see if i give a fuck," suga cut her off, his mouth upturning into a cruel smile as he turned on his heel and started to walk away.

of course i give a fuck! i'm still fucking in love with him!! why am i being so petty? shut up, shut up, shut up!

"fine. okay, fine! be that way! i was just trying to have a civil conversation, but here you go acting like a petty jerk. it's no wonder daichi couldn't open up to you and turned to me instead. seems to me like you couldn't satisfy his needs anyway!" she snapped.

several audible gasps could be heard around the room as suga stopped in his tracks, stunned by michimiya's words. he turned around briefly to look back at her, before bursting into tears and running out of the gym towards the club room.

daichi turned to his girlfriend and shook his head.

" know exactly why i broke up with him. that was too far. i don't care what he says to me...i hurt him pretty bad and he's allowed to be angry at me for as long as he wants...but you should not have said that," daichi uttered, his voice serious and unsettling.

"dai, i-i'm sorry. i don't know what came ov-"

"just stop. now i have to go fix this...just go to class yui, i'll see you after school, alright?"

yui mumbled a quiet "okay" and gently squeezed daichi's hand before she quickly made her way out of the gym towards the school.

daichi looked over at ukai and takeda for permission to leave and talk to suga to which the two coaches nodded.

"make it quick," ukai answered shortly.

the karasuno captain ran out of the gym and headed to the club room, knowing exactly where suga would be. he skipped steps as he went up the stairs and knocked gently on the door.

"...suga? it's me...can i come in?"

he heard a few sniffles before suga answered.

" she with you?"

"no. she left for class."

" can come in."

daichi opened the door slowly and peaked inside to see suga sitting in the corner, his knees tucked to his chest. he entered the room and shut the door behind him, taking a seat across from his ex.

"daichi...can i ask you something?" suga asked quietly.

"i don't know suga...i'm not even sure if us being in the same room alone is a good idea..." daichi hesitated.

"it's just been bugging me for weeks...i-i need to know. just one question and then i'll leave you alone."

"alright...what is it?"

" you remember what you said? you know...when you broke up with me..."

"i mean yeah, i think so...why do you ask?"

"you said 'always'..."

oh shit...he meant THAT...daichi froze.

"daichi...d-do you still love me?"

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