Journey to Hogwarts

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Riana's POV

My name is Riana Sanguini Adleril-Von and I am a part vampire. I live my uncle Vlad Sanguini, who is a full vampire. But most just call him Sanguini. I am going to my third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I have some vampire traits thanks to my full vampire father, Dimitri Sanguini. I have pale skin, dark brown eyes and am severely allergic to garlic. But unlike full vampires I can go in the sun, though I do burn easily if I don't wear sunscreen.

I'll also live longer then a human by a century. Contrary to muggle belief, vampires are not immortal. They just live longer then a human and are harder to kill. Vampires live to be around 200 and 300 hundred years old. While a part vampire live between 100 - 200 years old.

I also don't need blood to survive. Like a full blood vampire. But I do need fresh blood once a month or I'll become very sick. Blood lollipops help during the month with cravings, but I can't live on them. So once a month I go to Pomfrey for a fresh blood bag. Which I eat in secret.

I've managed to keep me being a part vampire a secret from my fellow students. But the existing staff know. Except for the DADA teacher as they change every year and I don't want to be exposed. Though vampires are treated better compared to werewolves. It can still be hard to make a living as one, especially with people like Umbridge around. She is trying to pass an Anti-werewolf and an anti-vampire legislation act. To make it nearly impossible for both to get jobs.

Anyway I have three good friends at Hogwarts. Hermione Granger my first best friend I made on the Hogwarts express in our first year. Later on we became friends with Harry and Ron. After Harry and Ron saved her from a troll. We even stopped Voldemort from getting the philosopher's stone. Then the year after we discovered the Chamber of Secrets and Harry killed the Basilisk inside clearing Hagrid's name. I wonder what we'll do this year.

"Are you all packed?" my uncle asks me.

"Yes" I say as I zip up my trunk. "Is Grandpa here?" I ask him.

"Not yet, but he should arrive soon" he drawls.

"Good, I do not want to miss the train" I tell him.

"Please try to stay out of trouble this year" he tells me. "By the way, your Hogsmeade form" he says handing it to me signed.

"Thank you" I say smiling as I put it in my pocket. "And I can't help it, trouble seems to follow my friends & I around" I tell him sheepishly. "But I promise to stay out of it, unless my friends are in danger" I assure him. Just then we hear a knock on the door.

"That'll be your grandfather, you had better go" my uncle tells me. I nod my head and grab my trunk. I go downstairs and answer the door to see my grandfather. I smile and give him a warm hug in greeting.

"Are you ready?" he asks me.

"Yes grandfather, goodbye uncle" I say. I follow my grandfather out the door and we go to an alley way. I grip his arm and he apparates us to another alleyway near Kings Cross Station. We then walk to the station and go through the barrier between platforms nine & ten. "Thank you for bringing me grandfather" I say grateful.

"Of course, anything for my granddaughter" he says smiling. We hug and I board the train. I find the other three searching for a compartment.

"Hermione" I say happily and give her a hug.

"Riana" she says smiling as we pull away. "You have to meet my cat Crookshanks" she tells me.

"Later, lets find a compartment first" I tell her. She agrees. I greet the boys and we continue our search for an empty compartment. We eventually find one with an adult man inside.

"Come on, everywhere else is full" Hermione says and opens the door. I immediately smell the werewolf inside. The other three enter the compartment while I stay in the door way.

"Something wrong Riana?" Harry asks me.

"I just remembered I agreed to hang out with the twins and I still haven't said hi to Neville. I'll see you guys later" I assure them. Then leave dragging my trunk behind me.

Though vampires and werewolves have no ill feelings towards each other. We both smell terrible to each other. All I could smell when the door opened was wet dog and it is not a pleasant smell. Though I never did ask a werewolf what us vampires smell like to them. Then again I am only a part vampire, so my scent won't be as strong as a full vampire.

I find Neville in a compartment with Ginny Weasley and a blonde ravenclaw girl. "Riana, hi. Have a good summer?" Neville asks me politely.

"It was pleasant, yours?" I ask as I sit down beside him after putting my trunk in the luggage rack.

"Yes, it was" Neville answers.

"Hey Rianna, this is my new friend Luna Lovegood" Ginny says.

"Pleasure to meet you" I say to Luna who looks up from the Qubbiler she is reading.

"Same, are you in Gryffindor like Ginny?" she asks me.

"Sure am" I say proudly. I've always been proud about being in gryffindor. It was my mother's old house though my grandfather was in Ravenclaw. My mother died giving birth to me and my father died before I was even born. So my uncle raised me, with the help of my grandfather. "Are you in Ginny's year?" I ask and she nods her head.

The rest of the ride was pleasant enough. If you forget the dementor incident and Harry fainting. But the new DADA professor and I drove the dementor away with our patronus'. I then spend the rest of the ride with Hermione and the others. Despite the werewolf who kept looking at me oddly. I know he could smell me, but he made no comment on the matter. He seemed to understand it's a secret, but no doubt he will talk to me at some point during the year.


Picture above Riana and on the external link of the others in their compartment.

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