Chapter 1

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     "So what college do you think they'll send us to?" Amy whispered from behind me. I shrugged, not turning around.

     "I have no clue." I admitted. "But we'll probably be sent to Wattpad University. It depends on the tests."

     "That would be cool if we all got sent to the same college." Nathan was adjusting his jacket's zip in front of me as he said that. I nodded in agreement with him when the professor walked in. A few students that were out of their desks scuttled back to their seats. Professor Primus glared at them before clearing her throat.

     "As you know." She began, her gaze raking the classroom. "Today is a very important day at Learners' High School. Today, is the day that you take the tests to find out what university you belong at. There are 4 tests to be taken: The Writer's Test, where you find out if you have the touch of an author. The Biology Test, where you see if you are a master in the health of humans and animals. The YouTubers' Test, as you would have to be a YouTuber, and know more than the basics of being famous in recordings." I perked up in interest at the YouTubers' Test. I wasn't a YouTuber, but I knew a lot about being one, thanks to continuous watching of those in that University already.

     "And The Protection Test, to challenge your knowledge of medics and police skills. All tests are in these booklets." She began handing out large packets that looked about 30 pages long. When you receive the Test, you may begin."

As I waited for Professor Primus to pass out our tests, which she did alphabetically, I readjusted my hoodie to make sure my ears were still concealed. Not normal ears though. Cat ears, because I'm a hybrid. No one needs to know about this, because I would be taken to a lab for experiments. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't end well for me.

     When I opened the booklet that Professor Primus finally passed to me, I was feeling pretty confident. I am going to do my best on these tests, get into Wattpad University, and become a writer.

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     After I finished all 100 questions, I casually glanced around to see if anyone else was done. Taylor was next to me, tapping her pencil in concentration. Amy was sighing in exasperation behind me, and Nathan was slouched, so I could tell he was having difficulties. No one else was done.

     Swallowing hard, I rose a shaky hand up to signal the Professor that I was done. Everyone glanced at me in surprise before scribbling madly to catch up with me. The professor sauntered over to me and took my packet. I looked over at the clock as I grabbed my sketchbook. I almost dropped it. The clock read 10:05. I had finished the test in two and a half hours.

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