A Normal Day? (Pt 2)

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Spring's POV

I moved swiftly in the darkness. My eyes scanned around me. From my peripheral vision I saw light dashing across a hallway. I aimed my gun before crouching. I slowed at the wall looking behind me to make sure no one was coming before peaking around the corner of the wall and shot Night in the chest causing the vest to blare. Night spun but I quickly and swiftly moved away. I hid away behind a wall as Night went past. I moved out and moved the way I was going before turning and shooting NIght again. "What the heck?!" I heard Night exclaim as I disappeared behind a wall before he could see me. A window area without a window came up and I looked both ways listening for footsteps before kneeling down and aiming my gun straight forward. Goldie came walking by and I immediately shot. His vest blared as I quickly ducked and moved forward, he would have to go around to get me and good luck with that.

"Aha!" I heard a voice exclaim behind me. I quickly ducked as the sound of the gun fired. I spun aroudn while ducking to see Nightmare. I quickly shot him causing him to groan. "C'mon!" Night exclaims and I quickly move away. "You won't' escape me Spring!" Night exclaimed. We'll see about that I thought to myself before turning around a corner and heading up some stairs. There was a small area to head into but instead of doing that I climbed up on top and hid behind a small wall as Night moved inside the small area. Heh...too easy. Using my legs I swung myself off my legs hooking on to the wall before I shot Night again. I quickly got back up before he could see. "HOW?!" Night exclaims getting frustrated. Night moved out as I moved my head to look at him to see he was looking around frantically. One more. I held my arm out casually, "Look behind you." I said Nightmare quickly spun holding out his gun but I shot him before he had the chance. "Game...Over." The vest said. Night groaned as his vest powered off. "How on earth are you so stealthy?" Night asks. "I don't know how you're asking that without knowing." I muttered before jumping down. I heard footsteps before quickly spinning and shot Foxy. His eyes widened when he saw me before charging after me. I quickly backed up before running down the hall. Suddenly my vest blared. I stopped before turning, Foxy who was smirking quickly frowned as I gave him a smirk that told him to start running. Foxy started off running down the hall entering into the main area which was huge. I ran after him and we both entered into the main area which was the biggest part in the entire arena. It had stairs leading up to ropes that could swing you across the vast majority of the room and little areas to enter into and shoot people, on the ground and in the air where stairs lead up too...in other words it was like a playground for adults. Interestingly enough we had to sign an agreement that if we hurt ourselves the building was not liable as we knew the risks. This area in particular was for adults. Suddenly Chica came out from a little tube and aimed for me. Freaking teamers. I thought to myself before breaking left up a set of stairs. Foxy who stopped to aim for me Chica did the same. There was a rope up at the end of the staircase and I jumped grabbing on the rope. The wheels that were suspended up above begane turning as I began whirling around the room while Foxy and Chica missed horrible. I held my gun out aiming carefully before shooting Chica. The entrance which headed back out was coming up and I quickly dropped latching my gun to my side before rolling to my feet, breaking my fall as I sprinted off. Suddenly Freddy came out from a hall looking around as I took my gun out and shot him before sprinting past him. "w-What the?! SPRING!" Freddy exclaimed. I twisted around corner after corner eventually losing Freddy.

I got my breathing down to normal which took a good moment. "I swear to god...he's like the freaking night disappearing with a snap of your fingers...think we should get Freddy to help?" I heard Chica's voice. I hate every single one of them... I thought to myself. "Maybe..." Foxy says. I suddenly stood up the window area above me before spinning and shooting Foxy again. "Game Over." His vest blared as Foxy groaned Chica who saw me immediately went to shoot only for me to duck quickly. "Better start thinking of better ideas, and maybe don't talk in a normal voice unless you want these ears to hear you." I say before moving on with Chica who is now trying to find me. Learning my way around this place swung around corner after corner losing Chica. "Dang It...where did he go now?!" Chica exclaimed her footsteps that grew louder now growing quieter.

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