Concealed Feelings (Pt 2)

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Golden Freddy's POV (December 7th)

I was in my room not really knowing what to was Saturday and I had almost nothing to do. Feeling thirsty hopped off my bed and headed downstairs. I saw there Freddy and Bonnie cuddled together on the couch. Bonnie looked like he was about to fall asleep any moment now. I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed me a glass of water. I still had the thousand dollars that Spring gave me...and I honestly didn't know what the heck to do with it. I pulled out my phone deciding to text Spring...

Because why the fuck not?

Me: Hey can I come over? I think I'm about to vomit seeing Freddy and Bonnie being all lovey dovey with each other.

It didn't take very long for Spring to respond

Spring: Uh yea sure, I've been working on something anyways and I'm pretty much done so sure.

Yea he told me something that he was working was important so I figured that I would let him work...I was kinda curious to see what he was making?

Me: Alright be there in 5

I was already dressed pretty much. Wearing a blue T-shirt and black pants. I finished my glass of water and put it in the sink. I made my way out into the living room, "Hey dude." Freddy says. "Hey, I'm going to be heading out...try not to do anything stupid." I say.

"Oh? Where to?" Freddy asks as his curiosity peaked. "Spring's." I say. "Oooooh." Freddy says with a smirk. "Shut up, I'm going over because I think I'm gonna gag seeing you two being lovey dovey." I say. "Or...or...hear me're jealous that your little brother got a hold of someone before you." Freddy says as I raise an eyebrow. "No I had a mangle...though...I regret that." I mutter as Freddy chuckles. "I don't see what you saw in know she recently just slept with one of the football players, and then decided to dump him in front of another boy she was seeing? I swear she can't make up her mind." Freddy says as I shrugged. "Who knows...maybe she's not even straight." I joked. " that you say it...she could actually be...she easily loses interest in guys so who knows." Freddy says.

"Well anyways I'm heading over...don't know when I'll be back." I say. "Hey, you gotta confess to him soon you know that right? If he likes you back eventually he's gonna move on and give you know...try not to take too long.' Freddy says. "I know but I already tried...he was asleep so now I gotta somehow build up that courage again." I mutter.

"Anyways...see ya...and remember don't do anything stupid." I say glaring at Freddy who chuckled nervously. "Why I would never." Freddy says. "Uh huh..." I say before making my way out the door. Our parents were home but they were probably asleep...they were busy people so when they had their days off they slept a little and then hung out with us... I didn't bother taking my car because why would I? Spring lives like 2 blocks away.

When I arrived at Spring's house I immediately made my way up. Knowing the spare key was under the rug because Spring told me in case I wanted to come over I would know. I got the key and unlocked the door. I closed the door behind me and saw a sign above stand to my right where I placed my shoes. I took off my shoes and looked at the note.

Dear Golden,

I'm in the basement...remote is in the far right drawer on the side facing towards the red button and then'll have 30 seconds to get down in the basement before it closes again and that's where I am...

Love Spring.

I felt my heart flutter at the word Love...though it was in a friendly way I took it seriously. I made my way into the kitchen to my right and saw the drawer Spring was talking about. I opened it and the remote was in there. Probably should find a better spot for this Spring... I think to myself before pressing the very obvious red button which took up like 60% of the entire remote itself.

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