Spring's Killing Instinct

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Golden Freddy's POV

The officer was speeding down the road as people scratch their heads as to what zoomed by a moment ago. Bonnie was with us too nervous as heck and still trying to comprehend what happened. "Why did you not try to stop Spring..." I mutter. "Why didn't you? You just stood there and let it happen." The officer says his eyes one the road. Good point... I thought to myself. "I'm asking you...I already am beating myself up enough about not doing anything..." I say as the officer sighs. He was well into his thirties at least. Jet black hair and barely showing signs of aging. "I know Jason...if I were to help I would get myself killed..." He says. "How, you could shoot him." I say as he chuckles darkly shaking his head, "He most likely has a bullet proof vest on...remember he is the number 1 most wanted criminal in the country...he will be prepared." He says. "What's your name?" I ask.

The man gulps and goes silent for a moment... "Charles," He says. My eyes widened a moment... that name was vaguely familiar.

"Charles was the person that always believed me even before they found out the truth...he knew I wouldn't ever do something like that and knew Jason before...he knew that Jason wasn't right in the head." Spring's voice rang in my head. "A-Are you..." I mutter as he nods.

"I'm the one who lived facing Jason...one of the only ones." Charles says. "I knew Spring was innocent that night, there was no way he could do that nor would do that...he loved mom no matter what." Charles says. "So you didn't face Jason because of that?" I ask as Charles shakes his head. "No, Springtrap doesn't want help. I know you want to give it to him but he wants to do this on his own...he feels it's his own fight...as he told me one night in the hospital he specifically said that he would take his dad down himself." Charles says. "But you saw what happened, Spring's going to get himself killed!" I exclaimed. "He doesn't care about that Golden Freddy that's the point, all he cares about is keeping the last of his known family safe." Charles says looking in the mirror seeing Bonnie who's eyes were wide.

I gulped, "Spring may not care about his life...but I do...and I'm not letting him get himself killed."

Spring's POV

I was panting heavily blood dripping from my face and fists as I got closer to Jason. We were currently navigating through trees right now as Jason tried to lose me. Though I was keen on taking him down for good. We were about 15 feet away and I was slowly getting closer. I gritted my teeth in thought. Should I take the chance...or no...I thought to myself as I considered my options. Fuck it. I thought to myself before lunging off the hoverboard and wrapped my arms around Jason, throwing him off the hoverboard. We were a good 30 feet above the ground too... We both hit the ground and rolled a bit struggling as Jason pushe dme down on the ground, legs to both sides of my hips, hands held tightly against my neck choking me. I felt the air suddenly leave me as I attempted to get him off me but to no avail. "You should've let me go in Spring and you'd get to live!" Jason screams. I struggled and tried to kick him off only for him to get out a pocket knife and slash my leg causing me to bite my lip causing that to bleed trying not to let out any sounds of pain. I used my other leg and swiftly jutted my left knee upwards hitting Jason in the spot that hurts most causing him to groan in pain. I grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him off me and quickly got out my feet panting.

I waited for Jason to recover and slowly got to his feet glaring at me with so much hate that could send me down to the deepest pits of hell. I then lunged forward, arm out letting my hands clasp around Jason's neck before slamming him against a tree. I gripped as tight as I could causing him to start sputtering out coughs as he wrapped his hands around me trying to push it off. However I had an iron grip, hsi claws slashed down my wrists drawing blood but I didn't budge...I only gripped harder. "You should stop that...eventually I'll crush your windpipe if you keep trying to escape and that would be a real shame." I mutter darkly.

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