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Nightmare's POV (December 19th)

There are more positions than I ever thought possible when it came to gay sex... Random I know. But after Chica caught me and shoved gay fanfics down my throat...which translates to forcing me to read gay sex scenes I learnt things...I've seen things...and my mind is smarter in a way that I never really wanted but I've acquired anyways...I'm pretty sure everyone though Chica kidnapped me but NOPE. Just...forced me to read gay sex scenes...which...I'm not going to explain what happened...

But I learned one thing that day which was that I might be a little bit gay. I think the only straight person/people officially in our little group was Hydra and Chica...every boy in our group was gay...or bi...and they were dating someone within our group...Except me and Foxy...

Neither of us were dating anyone at the moment. I didn't necessarily like anyone in a romantic way yet either...some people think I secretly like Spring...but no...I just like embarrassing him...that's literally it. Well...actually...I might like someone... Fortunately I wouldn't run into the same problem as Golden and Judge Chica said...they both like sub dom or dom sub's which provides a little issue when they're in bed meaning they're probably the kind of couple that takes turns...that's not me...I'm straight dominant. It's also kind of weird how it's only the girls who are straight and literally all the boys are gay...and for each other it seems. No this does not mean I am going to end up dating Foxy (I've literally never heard of this ship before...Nightmare X Foxy...never heard of it...has anyone else? I feel like I'm missing something if this is a known ship...what would you even call it? NightmareFoxy? Foxymare? Nightoxy? Dunno...if you all know please tell me...Nightoxy kinda sounds like a cool name though...kinda like Phoenix Flame...wish I had that name...but I'm not doing a name change....)

(Also...I PROMISE I don't have anything about gay/bi females/lesbians, I just never know who to ship them with because I don't know a lot of shipis that involve only I don't know how a female X female ship works when they do...things...And I'm not tyring to be sexist ok I just don't know a lot of lesbian i'm not a girl, so I really don't understand a lot of this stuff...and with that I have another reason...but...I'm not gonna say it because I'm kinda scared to, so I really don't know much about females and how they work. So if someone could maybe PM me on how it works that would be great...maybe I'll be able to gain some understanding that I can't find when I try to search it up (I know TMI but whatever) BECAUSE GOOGLE DOESN'T FOR SOME REASON PROVIDE THE SPECIFIC ANSWER I'M LOOKING FOR! I have a specific question that requires a specific answer... and I swear Google is everything but searching up how to make a peanut butter jelly sandwich while simultaneously learning how to cook ramen at the same time (This is something completely random I thought of) the search results will be about how to bake a It's like google can't compute with me searching up something's like that window error box that youtubers sometimes do when their mind goes blank...that's literally what google does it doesn't know what the heck I'm asking for...It's mildly infuriating...especially when I'm researching for a school essay project thing about the colonial era with american authors google doesn't understand so I just want to chuck my laptop because the only source where I can research doesn't even know what the heck I'm tyring to say so now I gotta put in specific keywords to dumb it down so GOOGLE MIGHT UNDERSTAND! You all can't see this but I'm having a visceral reaction to all this...Anyways I got onto a ramble there so enough with my excessive rambling and on with the chapter!

Now that I thought about it...where was Golden and Spring?

Spring's POV

I yawned a bit waking up to no sun shining in my face.... Today I slept in and today I was going to miss school...why you ask? Because today was the day I would be going on my first date with Goldie... I jumped out of bed noticing a note. "What the?" I mutter grabbing the note form my nightstand.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now