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Springtrap's POV

There...that should do it I thought to myself in content at my new room. It was a fairly decent size. I walked to the doorway of my room and looked around the room, the dresser was to the left up against the wall with the closet room in the middle. My bed was on the other side of the room with dark grey sheets. My T.V was hung on the wall on the back wall across from my bed up hanging on the wall. I tossed my T.V remote onto my bed before sighing stretching constantly as I leg my toes grip onto the grey carpet underneath me. For a strange reason it felt comfortable to do that.

I made my way out of my room and down the stairs into the kitchen which was like any other kitchen, but modern style. I got a glass from the cabinet and got me a glass of water though running through my head. I had just officially finished packing, I was all the way across the country in California "Living there" until I finally moved here. I said that in the most unfaithful gut spilling way ever.

Thoughts rushed through my mind of those past 8 years...I shuddered violently at the thought. It's been half a year...I shouldn't be worried. I think to myself. Tomorrow I will be starting school at Harvey High. I chose this school specifically because my younger brother Bonnie goes there. He should be 16 now. Dang...16...I wonder how much he's grown. I think to myself. Will he even be happy to see me? Or no? I ask myself as I finish my glass and walk upstairs to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

I gained a few scars over the years one over my right eye and two over my muzzle...from...things that I would rather not bring up. The past 8 years of my life have been the toughest yet...and I still feel weird being back. It felt...too good...for the past 8 years I had become used to darkness...and seeing light...made me feel uneasy.

I sighed to myself in the mirror, Whether or not Bonnie will accept me back is up to him...but he doesn't have a choice and neither do I...not after what's happened...I need to be here in case something specific were to happen...which is bound to happen soon. I think to myself.

I pondered what I should do for the rest of the day and opted with exploring a bit of the city that I had come to know as a it seemed unfamiliar...and I felt like a stranger being here.

As I drove down the street I still remembered my home street...but then there were new roads built...and new houses...I saw kids playing basketball on their driveway while passing by and memories of me and Bonnie once doing that flooded my mind. And knowing that, that would never happen again made me kinda sad.

I felt my breath hitch when I turned down my street...down to my childhood home. Where Bonnie lives. As I began driving past the was the exact same as I had seen it 8 years ago...but now only horrible memories remain. Of that night...that night I would never forget. The night that would be stitched into my mind for the rest of my life...the night when everything changed...the night when I would lose everything dear to me.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked in my mirror to see a car behind me. I didn't even notice that I had stopped in the middle of the road. Feeling embarrassed I began driving down the road noticing that the car turned into my childhood's home driveway. No way... I thought to myself as I saw the car door open and a purple furred leg appear. I gulped and sped up turning down round the corner not wanting to confirm my suspicions. My arms were shaking, my knees felt weak...that was...that had to be my brother...not one had purple fur like he did.

I steadied my breathing as I turned at the light making my way back down to my new home which was a few streets from where Bonnie lived. A whole plethora of emotions filled me. But one emotion stood out... Fear. I was afraid of my brother. Afraid of how he will react when I show up to school the next day. I don't think he'll be very happy...

I shook my head off those thoughts and turned down into my driveway. I didn't even realize I was at my house until I saw the unique red colored mailbox. Yup you heard that right. MY house. This is my property...but not completely officially. I had no choice but to live by myself...any of my family is either dead, or doesn't want to ever see me again from that night 8 years ago. So I've been forced to live alone...with the agreement that an officer come down once a week to check on me and that I abide by normal laws. Even the officers are STILL skeptical of me even 8 years from now...though I did nothing wrong that's not what ANYONE thinks.

Curse him. I think to myself as I walk upstairs clenching my fists. It was his fault...his fault that my life is how it is now.

But I couldn't do anything about it...because unfortunately the life I reality. And I have to live by it and go with the flow. Life won't be fair to me, and I can't control it...but I can control how I react. I lowered my head...but some emotions...simply aren't supposed to be controlled. The thought ran through my head as I made my way into the bathroom stripping down and stepping into the shower turning it onto hot. I loved the heat, the cold and me didn't getting along. It could be 50 degrees and I would be shivering...but that's also because I lived in California I'm used to heat.

When I finished I turned off the shower wrapping a towel around my waist before stepping out of the bathroom and into my room. Might as well change into something comfortable, it's already 6:00 I think to myself as I pick out a pair of shorts and T-shirt slipping them on throwing the towel in the laundry basket.

I always wondered if people reuse their towels multiple times or not. I mean I've done it before...but I only do it when I'm the only one who's used it, if anyone else has used it then it's absolutely disgusting...because I mean if you use a towel that someone else used...that they DRIED everywhere with...why on earth would I used that towel, I don't normally use a towel multiple times. But I also have the towels so I don't have to use one multiple times. I'm a very fortunate child, but also not. I only have what I have now because of one reason...and I won't go into many memories that I would rather leave buried.

I plopped down onto my bed and decided to watch Netflix for a few hours before turning off my phone and laying it on my Nightstand. I sighed once again, which seems to be something I do often and turned off the lights before turning over on my side, thoughts still rushing through my head.

How will Bonnie react...what's going to happen tomorrow...will anyone recognize me? I felt my nerves slowly getting the best of me...I was afraid of my own brother...but for good reason...and he has every reason to hate me if he does...which I almost guarantee he feels a hatred for me now, and as I said...he has the right...after all...

Wouldn't you be a tiny bit mad if you found out that your own older brother murdered our mother?

And that's the end of the prologue everyone! I'm really surprised with how fast people got to reading this already. By the next morning after I posted the character introduction 12 people had already read it. 

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