Rising Tension

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Golden Freddy's POV (Jan. 21st)

I was laying in my bed texting Spring and waiting for Freddy to get ready for school.

Goldie- I don't wanna go to school. :(

Spring- Same, but we have to.

Goldie- Are you sure we can't just skip? ;)

Spring- I'm pretty sure my teachers instantly give me detention if I skip again.

Goldie- Dang...those teachers are no fun then :(

Spring- I gotta go, I'm on my way to school love you.

I felt my heart beat a thousand miles an hour reading those 3 words.

Goldie- Love you too!

"Alright Goldie I'm ready!" I heard Freddy exclaim from downstairs. Perfect timing. "Alright!" I call back as I hop off my bed and head downstairs where Freddy was texting who I assumed to be bonnie. "Alright, let's go." I say as I grab my keys and bag and open the door trailing down the walkway with Freddy behind me.

When we made it to the school Me and Freddy parted ways in the school. My eyes were out for Spring as I trekked my way down the hallways crowded with students and hybrids. When I saw Spring I smiled widely. He didn't notice me when I slowly started sneaking up behind him. My way of greeting Spring included me trying to scare Spring, because he says he's not easily scared so everyday I try to scare him in some way...though it's probably gotten to the point where he's just expecting it at any time. When I got up behind him I got into position as Spring slowly turned around.


The sound of books falling could be heard as Spring's eyes were wide in shock. "G-God Goldie..." Spring muttered his body slightly shaken. I raised an eyebrow, "You weren't scared when I practically flew around the corner with a knife but you were scared by this...you're a strange bunny." I say. Spring nodded before yawning, I noticed he had a darker shade around his eyes. "Didn't get much sleep I assume?" I ask Spring who nods. "Something like that." He says. "When did you go to sleep?" I ask. Spring shrugs, "I didn't..." My curiosity peaked but not in a good way. "Why not?" I ask.

"Stuff happened, I was busy with schoolwork." Spring says. I nodded, "Alright, just don't do that again it's not healthy staying up all night and getting no sleep at all." I say as Spring smiles. "Thanks." He said as we hugged, "See you later?" I ask as Spring nods. "Definitely." And with that we parted ways to our own separate classes. I ended up changing my first hour to Gym after semester break cause I didn't need any more science credits since I took Launch classes and pretty much took care of my science credits easily. I turned around to look at Spring again, most kids were out of the hallway at this point. But there was one person behind a wall just staring at Spring. It looked like...Levi...but I wasn't sure. I then looked back down the other way to see if anyone else was here before looking back only to see Levi gone. "What the?" I mumble. Well he's certainly fast.

I made my way to my first hour curious on how Levi was so fast.

Time Skip

Throughout the day I noticed multiple people secretly staring at Spring. Levi, Apalala, Viper...it was quite weird. At one point I noticed Viper hanging from the rafters of the school...you know the rafters that were about 40 feet tall? With no way up? Yea...that was probably the one thing to cause me to worry a bit. Because these guys were just staring and stalking Spring through the school but would play it off like everythings fine if someone asked. When 5th hour ended I caught up with Bonnie because I figured he would be one of the only ones I could talk with about this. "Hey Bonnie?" I ask as he puts stuff in his locker. "Yea what's up?" He asks about shutting his locker. "Have you noticed any people...possible stalking Spring?" I ask. Bonnie squints his eyes, "Uhm no...why?" He asks.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now