Rebels (Pt 2)

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Golden Freddy's POV

omg...omg...omg...omg...omg...omg...omg...O.M.G. I watched as I dropped Spring off. He turned around and waved as I waved with my other hand still shocked as I clutched a little piece of paper in my hand...but it wasn't just ANY was a paper...

With Spring's phone number...I was still at a loss of words. I began feeling giddy as I neatly folded the paper and put it in my pocket...I was NOT about to lose it. I immediately began driving home feeling like I was king of the world.

The next Day... (October 30th)

When I heard my alarm clock and woke up with a smile. I turned it off not feeling like I was going to smash it but was actually thankful...because me and Spring were going to be skipping school today.

That's right, I texted him as SOON as I got home. I didn't even bother taking off my clothes or changing or anything I dove into bed and just started texting him...and might've walked into multiple walls...more than once...BUT WHO THE HECK CARES?! We eventually got on the topic about skipping school to do something tomorrow. I didn't take Springa s a rebel...but I don't think he took me as one either. It didn't really matter anyways since we could just do the school work online when we got home. (Since due to Covid it doesn't matter if you're sick anymore you just do it ONLINE AT THIS POINT....GOD I HATE COVID! CAUSE WE HAVE NO MORE SNOW DAYS SINCE WE CAN JUST DO ONLINE!)

I grabbed my phone and began texting Spring

His name was Crush in my phone...don't judge me.

Me: What time are you wanting to head out?

INstantly Spring began responding. Geez he's fast. I thought to myself.

Crush: Anytime, I still gotta shower though, hbu?

Me: I still gotta showere how about I pick you up at around 8:00?

Crush: Do you have anything in mind?

Me: Yea, I just thought of something you might like...but it's a surprise.

Crush: Fuk you.

Me: Love you too! I gotta take a shower now byeee!

I set down my phone feeling happy as can be as Freddy walked in my room with attired face on to ask the same question he does everyday. "Can I skip...pleaaaaaaaase?" Freddy asks as I grinned, "sure, I'm skipping too so you can too." Freddy's eyes suddenly lit up. "Wait what? You're being really?!" Freddy exclaims as I nod. He pumps his fists up in the air. "YES!" I exclaimed before stopping. "Wait...why are you skipping?" Freddy asks. "And why are you so happy? It's creepy..." Freddy says.

"No reason." I say as Freddy studies me closer. His eyes traveled down to my phone which I quickly flipped over and put on the bed. "Does my brother have a crush by any chance?" Freddy asks. "N-No...why would you ask?" I ask. "Because I saw who you were talking to was named wanna talk?" Freddy asks. "Nope, all you need to know is I'm going to hang out with this person all day." I say as Freddy nods.

"It's Spring." Freddy says. "W-What?" I am confused. "Yup definitely. You stuttered." Freddy says as I get out and turn him around before pushing him out of my room. "OUT OUT OUT" I say as Freddy begins laughing. "Aw wait is it really?! I was joking before." Freddy says turning around with wide eyes. I looked at him as if he were crazy, "so really DO like him?" Freddy asks as I growl. "Of course not...he's a friend...nothing else." I say as Freddy nods.

"Interesting...see I got some intel from a may know her, her name is Chica...I Heard you went skating with Spring yesterday...I don't know if you know this but she works there and saw you two when she got there...and she said you two were there all night...I thought you were at Bonnie's house...hmm how the lie suddenly becomes truth. I also heard you two got pretty close at one point last night. You know when you tried to be all strong around Spring and pick him up only to topple over and him landing on you in a VERY...let's say...sexual position? wanna explain...especially why you came home with your hands shoved in your pockets like you were hiding something? Possibly from being in that position? Weird..." Freddy says with the smugest look on his face that I have ever seen.

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