Concealed Feelings (Pt 1)

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1 Month Later (December 2nd)

Golden Freddy's POV

It's been a month since Spring attempted suicide...a month of torture for me...Bonnie...and everyone else. Freddy was keeping Bonnie's spirits up by being with him constantly. I refused to be around many people in the time...I was only focused on Spring being better.

And today was that day.

The day Spring was being released from the hospital.

I still didn't know how Spring came back from the dead...doctors and scientists were still stumped...especially because he gained a pulse when I was there with him...Some scientists say that the reasoning is beyond comprehension of any of us. But we all could agree that it was a miracle. Spring came back from the dead from losing 90% of his blood...from his organs shutting down...including his brain...he somehow came back to life. It took a very long time...and tons of blood transfusions to get Spring back to the way he was.

We were all currently on our way to the hospital...and when I say all I mean me, Bonnie, Freddy, Chica, Foxy, Nightmare, my parents, Bonnie's parents, and Hydra, all of us were on our way just to see Spring who we hadn't seen in over a parents and Bonnie's parents wanted to meet Spring personally. Bonnie's parents because Spring is Bonnie's older brother and my parents because they somehow figured out that I like Springtrap...still do...though I think this somehow made me fall harder for him...don't ask me how.

When we arrived at the hospital we all met up at the entrance...because we did not have a car big enough to fit all of us. "I'm about to kill Spring for killing himself." Chica mutters clenching her fists. "Hey I don't need Spring dead again ok? I got 5 speeding tickets that day when I found out Spring died and almost got sent to prison for criminal speeding...I don't need a repeat." I mutter as everyone laughs. "That was a $1,000 total of tickets." Bonnie says as I nodded.

My wallet was still hurting from that.

We all made our way inside and the receptionist instantly knew who we were here for...I mean we totally didn't come nearly every single day just to ask how Spring was doing because we couldn't see him. We actually became really good friends with a lot of the staff and I apologized to the receptionist I yelled at that one day. She understood completely saying she knows it's hard and she deals with it all the time.

"Hi everyone...I got word from Springtrap that he actually wants to see one of you only before he comes out." The receptionist says looking at me. "He's in room 403 third floor Golden." The receptionist says. I blinked a couple times before Freddy and Bonnie both ushered me forward. "Go Go GO." They both said. "You better not take too long, some of us want to see the man from the dead!" Chica exclaims. "AND ALSO GET BACK ON OPERATION GET YOU TWO TOGETHER!" Chica adds as everyone behind me laughed other than me who was dark red as I made my way down the hallway.

I still couldn't believe I was going to be seeing Spring again...I felt my heart flutter as I made it to the second floor. And continued was I going to react? I mean he tried to kill should I react when I get in there?

When I reached the 3rd floor I exited out through the door and walked down the hallway. I saw a doctor in front of Spring's room... it was Dr. John. "Hi Golden." Dr. John says as I nodded smiling. "Is he doing good?" I ask as he shrugs smiling. "Why don't you check for yourself?" He says. "Thanks Dr. John." I say. "Call me Johnny I'm still not used to being called a doctor." Johnny says chuckling before opening the door for me.

When I entered the was like a normal hospital room...only no one was in here.... There was an open window...actually a completely open window with some air blowing in as I looked around confused. "um...Spring isn't in here." I say turning around.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now