Taking A Risk

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(Sometimes taking risks can be worth it.)

Springtrap's POV


I quickly turned it off not wanting to listen to it today. I slowly got up hissing in pain. "Yup...that's not going away for awhile..." I mutter. It's been about a month since I've started school, and in that time frame the vast majority of the school has grown to hate me. How did this happen you may ask? One word.


But do I blame him? No, heck I would do the same if I found out my brother purposefully killed our mother. Besides I deserve this. I think to myself as I drag myself into my bathroom before taking a shower. I took a hot one today and did it quickly and within 10 minutes was out and in my closet settling on a green shirt and blue pants. I hopped out of my bedroom phone in my mouth as I slipped my legs through my pants in a hurry. I was still sore from yesterday, Brad a senior and if that couldn't get more cliche a jock and popular decided it would be a fun idea to trip me right before I headed down the stairs.

Guess who got to go on the most painful trip of his life? If you guess me then you would be absolutely correct! Oh! And guess what happened when I went to the nurse and explained what happened?

"Brad? You mean the straight A Student and an absolute angel, tutorer and volunteer at our local animal shelter? Are you trying to blame him out of jealousy?" Were her EXACT words. So you can guess how my attitude was limping out of that office.

I didn't even bother to eat and just grabbed my keys and got in my car which was funnily enough vandalized a week ago by a group of school kids.


As I started on my way to school my eyes began tearing up the more I thought about it. GOD STOP TEARING UP! I scream in my head. I refused to let a SINGLE tear drop fall and tensed every muscle in my body to hold my tears in. These weeks at school constantly remind me of what life was like during the past 8 years...





Not so much forgotten anymore now am I? I'm gone for 8 years, forgotten, come back and suddenly I'm the popular kid in school...and not in a good way. When I got to school I got out of my car putting on my emotionless face that people have become used to and used against me for being depressed, which they're not exactly wrong on.

I made my way through the doors avoiding all the stare's on me looking down at the ground. Oh and wanna know the icing on the cake? Multiple teachers have watched me getting shoved against the lockers and kneed multiple times and stared...dare I even say some smiled like a kid on christmas morning.

I know i'm not a fun person to be around but COME ON!

I walked into Physics class ready to get my Friday over with expecting the worst.

Boy, was I wrong because we got a project...and we had to work with Partners.

And I just so happened to get one of Bonnie's friends, Golden Freddy.

Time Skip

To say I was nervous was an understatement. But I kept my cool while eating my food. Bonnie was staring me down the entire time with a glare that could disintegrate anything. I occasionally and secretly looked up at my "partner" to see him making out with a hybrid fox white hair, pink highlights and white and pink fur. A cheerleader and popular. Mangle was the name I believe, and those two were not shy about their relationship as I just explained.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now