Extra Scene #2

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Hi guys! If I'm being honest I almost wasn't able to update at all this week. This week has been more busier than usual, that's because I've had pep band this week (On my days off), I gotta work this week (Usual time), schools been hectic with Homecoming coming up so teachers are giving extra homework, and this Saturday I have to go with my parents to sign a bunch of papers...something about my W-2 forms which if none of you know what those are. When you get a job your employer will require that you fill out your W-2 forms. For those who don't know what they do they report federal, state and other taxes withheld in your paycheck per pay period, and plus when comes time for tax returns they'll be important. So basically I gotta do taxes. (I think...this is a first for me so I'm not sure XD) So it's been more hectic this week...but not too hectic. (If you still don't understand look it up or ask your parents about it, if you're wanting to get a job when you hit 16...or whatever age is required to get a job in your state)

Anyways this is the smut chapter between Goldie and Spring...with Spring as dom this time. Enjoy!

(Month: June)

Spring's POV

It's been a few months since I was released from the hospital. After I was released I immediately requested for time off...a year to be exact. Since my vacation days have built up over the years. They definitely understood considering I did technically kill my own dad who was one of the most wanted criminals in the entire country. Since then lifes been pretty good...amazing in fact. I haven't stopped training or anything I still do daily exercises to keep my senses sharp in case something major happens...which may happen soon. There's been a stir happening in London...a revolt of sorts...between a group of people and the entire country...their protesting which isn't bad but their destroying property and whatever...rumor has it their the serpentine cult...which my dad was the leader of...I wasn't sure...but I knew that, that would probably be one of my first missions when I got back...

I suddenly heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned from the couch to see Goldie tiredly walking down the stairs, his hair a complete sexy mess and yawned. "Morning." Goldie muttered before walking in the kitchen. Goldie had been acting weird lately...just recently we were coming back from a date and Goldie was a lot more quiet and reserved then usual. He had even declined the sleep over which was unusual, I wasn't sure why he decided to come this time. Goldie came walking out with a cup of coffee in his hand, he made sure to sit further away from me in another chair and stared at the T.V avoiding eye contact with me. "Something wrong?" I ask genuinely concerned. Goldie just shrugged, "I'm fine." Goldie says. I instantly knew something was wrong, the words "I'm Fine" were the most common words to use when someone wasn't fine.

"Do you wanna talk about it? I mean does it have to do with why you've been acting weird and avoiding me physically as of lately?" I ask concerned. Goldie shrugged, "It's nothing dude...really." Goldie says. "If it's something I did that made you mad or something you can tel-'' Goldie cut me off. "You did nothing wrong Springy...it's just...hard for me to be around you physically right now." Goldie says quietly while sipping his coffee.

I didn't understand...I did nothing wrong but he says it's hard for him to be around me physically...that doesn't make much sense. "Is that why you're avoiding me? Because it's hard to be around me physically? Goldie that makes it seem like I did something wrong...if I did something wrong I need to know so I can fix it." I say sternly.

Goldie sighed, "Springy you did nothing wrong...I'm just...it's...it's hard to explain and also embarrassing...like...really embarrassing." Goldie says contracting back a little. My face fell, "Goldie...you don't have to be embarrassed to tell me something, you know I won't judge." I say genuinely.

Goldie sighs, setting his coffee down on the coffee table, "Have you ever heard of mating season for bears?" Goldie asks as I nod, still not understanding. "Well, bears usually go through it May-June...but it can depend on the type of bear it is...as a hybrid I go through the process usually in June...it usually isn't bad...maybe just a little more horny, but since I'm dating you." Goldie says looking at me. "I can't be around you physically without risking myself jumping on you...at least until the feeling dies out." Goldie says as my eyes widen.

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