Igniting Friendship

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Golden Freddy's POV

I yawned tiredly, slowly opening my eyes to nothing but a dark unfamiliar room. I sat up confused as I looked around the room. Memories began flooding back, I was in Springtrap's room. He let me sleep in it and refused to let me sleep on the couch since I was a guest. Thinking about it made me feel bad. I yawned and stretched a bit before getting out of his bed making my way out the room. "Now which way to the kitchen..." I muttered groggily as I made my way down the stairs. I would never get used to Springtraps house, mainly because I don't think he has even gotten used to it yet. When I entered the living room I noticed that the couch was empty. Confused but not really paying attention due to tiredness walked in the kitchen turning the light on and getting me a glass of water. I hope he doesn't mind me getting water either... I think to myself.

When I finish the water I walk back upstairs seeing the bathroom light not on...which I thought Springtrap would be in the bathroom if he wasn't asleep...I then noticed the attic staircase thing that comes out of a ceiling lowered. "What in the world is Springtrap doing?" I question as I debate whether to go up there and see or go back to be.

I vote the latter and climb up the steps reaching the attic. There were a bunch of boxes around that weren't opened and random stuff in here. I noticed the window was open. I looked out the window noticing a random looking bar sticking out of the house...and looked very strangely sturdy. I then heard a thump above and someone muttered a "That was close..." Is he on the roof? I ask myself before leaning out the window using the bar to lift myself up so I could peek. The roof was slanted upwards so it wasn't like a triangle...that would be impossible or asking to fall. Springtrap was standing at the top of the roof. My eyes widened when I realized he was wearing a T-shirt and sweats. Never had I ever seen Springtrap wear anything that wasn't a long sleeve...seeing his arms was weird.

Not only that but he had bandages from his wrist up to his elbow on both arms. What happened? I questioned. I struggled to climb up onto the roof making some noise along the way...I didn't want to disturb him, he looked like he was thinking or something. But I eventually made it on the roof when I heard him speak. "Hey..." My eyes were wide. I know I made some noise but he shouldn't have been able to hear it. "How did you hear me?" I ask. One of Springtrap's ears perk up as he points to them. "These things can hear everything, trust me." Springtrap says. "Are your arms hurt?" I ask curiously as Springtrap shrugs. "Something like that..." Springtrap says monotonous.

"So...how are you feeling?" Springtrap asks as I shrug, "I still feel hurt...but...better knowing that someone cares." I say. "A lot of people care Golden..." Springtrap says. "What's with the nickname?" I ask. "Because your name is way too freaking long to say so I'm going to shorten it." Springtrap says turning his head to look at me. "Fair enough...hey wait that means I need to pick a nickname out for you!" I exclaim.

Springtrap's face twisted into looking at me as if I were crazy followed by his face turning a slight pink color. "That's embarrassing." Springtrap mutters. "Well it's only fair isn't it?" I ask, crossing my arms with a smirk.

"I swear to god if it's anything embarrassing I'll...do something..." Springtrap mutters toward the end. "What no threat?" I ask as Springtrap scoffs. I chuckled before beginning to use my brain... "Hmmm..." I say before gasping. "SPRING!" I exclaim as Springtraps head jerked back over my way. "I said nothing embarrassing." Springtrap says. "It's not embarrassing, I kinda like it...besides I could call you something like Springy..." I say as Springtraps eyes widen. "Call me that and you may just be the next person featured on a milk carton." Springtrap says as I chuckle.

"So does that mean you accept it?" I ask as Springtrap looks back at me. I close my eyes and bring my hands together and fall on my knees before opening my eyes giving him the puppy's eyes. "W-What the?" Springtrap asks a light pink hue on his cheeks. "Did you just stutter?" I ask in shock standing up as Springtrap practically growls, "you're really asking to die aren't you." Springtrap says as I jog up the roof of the house. I was definitely a bit taller than Springtrap by about 3 inches at least. I patted him on the head. "Yea I'll definitely call you Spring." I say.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now