Spin the Bottle

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Freddy's POV

When I woke up I did my usual routine, only I woke up earlier this it me. Golden seemed in a damp mood today and last night after the events...I mean I would be too after that so I decided to try and cheer him up by making him his favorite breakfast. When Golden came in the kitchen he sniffed the air, "Mmmm." He moaned. I smiled looking at him. "Figured I'd try to cheer you up today...you seemed really down yesterday and this morning...so I figured I'd be a good little brother and make you something." I say as Golden nods smiling. "Thanks dude...I know I shouldn't be this sad...I just...I've liked Spring ever since that one night...and it's so hard for me to just not jump on him sometimes you know?" Golden asks as I cringed, "TMI but ok." I say as Golden chuckles sadly, "Sorry...I'm going to try and be in a good mood today...I mean it's not Spring's fault, I'm just disappointed in myself for not manning up and saying anything when I woke him...but he seemed in a bad mood as well...don't know why." Golden says as I look at him.

"Really? Why?" I ask as he shrugs. "Dunno, he just woke up...and was in a really sad mood...like...depressed...I hadn't seen him like that since I first met him. He's usually happy...though he started going kinda quiet after I started talking about my crush." I say as I sighed heavily.

Golden you stupid bear...I swear to fucking god you have no common sense. I think to myself. "So...Spring started acting weird after you began talking about your crush? In what way did he react?' I was setting down the spatula staring out the window waiting for his answer. "He went silent when I asked him a question...and I could also hear him breathing kinda heavily...but he seemed like he was trying to hide it...don't know why." Golden says as I sighed. "Maybe because he likes you too?" I say as if it were the most obvious thing. "Nah, I think it was because he had a lot of fun, he nearly cried when we were finished with the amusement part so I think he was pretty emotional over that." Golden says.

It's only 7:30 and I'm already fed up with his stupidity. "Hey...look." Golden says holding out his phone to me. I look at his phone seeing Hydra text him.

Hydra: Hey you know what's up with Spring? I went over to his house. I'm pretty sure he's sick...and on Foxy's birthday too...

"Oh dang...was it from yesterday?" I ask as Golden shrugs before texting Hydra back.

It took a moment before he said something. "She said that she went over to Spring's house and he was in bed asleep...when she woke him up he had a sore throat and was extremely hot...I think he has a fever is what she said...and he still plans on going to school." Golden says. "What the fuck? Is he crazy?" I ask as Golden shrugs. "She said that Spring say's he's gone to school with pneumonia and that he'll be fine...he usually doesn't get sick but when he does he's very sick...Hydra said that Spring said that he doesn't get the cold...he gets the flu or pneumonia." Golden says as I sighed heavily. "He's crazy...literally crazy..." I mutter.

"Anyways you ready for tonight?" Golden asks as I nod. "Yea...we've already got everything set up while you and Spring were out about." I say as Golden chuckles nervously, "Sorry..." Golden says. "Hey don't be sorry, you were having fun and you let Spring have fun...don't let it get you down too much that you failed to get to him...you managed the courage before you can do it again..." I say as Golden nods sadly. "Yea...but I think it'll be awhile..." He mutters.

Time Skip

During the day I had seen Spring a little through the hallway...he looked fine...a little tired but fine... Hydra was saying that she felt his forehead and he was burning up...I guess she said that Spring said that he's really good at making it seem like he's fine...which can be a good thing and a horrible thing.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now