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Alrighty guys! This is the epilogue which is the official canon last chapter, the next ones are bonus scenes which 3 of them are smut, the first two are obvious...but the 3rd one is gonna be 100% non canon...just saying... and it's gonna be something requested by quite a few people both public comments and PM's...in case anyones wondering in total it was 15...which is wow...so I'll definitely deliver that...anyways enjoy!

1 Month Later

Goldie's POV

I was in my room laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling...my mind running with thoughts...it had been exactly 1 month...since Springtrap was said to be dead...however it's an unofficial death as his body is missing...speculation goes as far as to say that his body completely disintegrated in the explosion...but the explosion wouldn't be strong enough to do that...some experts say that the explosion wasn't as strong as most like to think. There is a case on him to find the body...but that's not all there's a case on Jason's missing body too...both bodies disappeared from the scene...experts say it should be physically impossible with the amount of blood loss seen.

But that didn't matter...the only thing that mattered was that Spring was dead...my fucking boyfriend was dead...I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes...I still remembered the note he left...he knew he wasn't gonna make it back...and he left a note to remember him bye...it would be the last time he would say "I love you..."

Suddenly a knock sounded on my door as I growled, "Go away..." I muttered. "Goldie c'mon dude...I know you're sad, I understand...but you can't spend everyday sulking in your room." I heard Freddy say as I let out an emotionless chuckle, "Watch me." I say. I looked out my window...and saw sunlight...something I hadn't been in for the past 2 weeks...to say I was a mess was an understatement.

"No...c'mon dude we haven't hung out at all...and besides I wanna show you something...it'll make you feel a WHOLE lot better!" Freddy says. I sighed, "What could you possibly have to show me that would in any way elicit any type of emotion?" I ask dully. "Well you won't know that until you get out of your room and come with me now will you?" Freddy asks.

"What if I don't want to?" I say. "Goldie you haven't eaten in over a day..." Freddy mutters. Suddenly my stomach growled causing me to sigh heavily. "Fine...are we leaving the house?" I ask. "Yes, now c'mon...I'll take you somewhere to eat afterwards." Freddy says.

"Alright...lemme slip on something." I said since I was in nothing but boxers. I put on some jeans and a T-Shirt and slipped on my shoes. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and peeked open the door to see Freddy there with a wide smile. I looked at him with squinted eyes, "Why are you so happy?" I ask. "You'll find out...now c'mon!" Freddy exclaims grabbing onto my wrist before proceeding to drag me down the stairs. "Aye, I'm coming! Geez." I exclaimed, ripping my hand from Freddy's grip. "You boys heading out?" Mom asks as Freddy peeked in the living room. "Yea, we'll be back soon!" Freddy exclaims. My mom and dad seemed weirdly happy for some reason... "Why are you all so happy?" I ask as Freddy drags me...quite literally out of the house. "You'll see...c'mon!" Freddy exclaims before dragging me to his car and practically stuffing me in it. "God dang...geez you're way too hyper..." I mutter as Freddy practically flung himself into the driver's seat. "Are you ready to go?' Freddy asks, turning on the ignition. "Depends...will this be worth it?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. Freddy smirked, "oh trust me...you'll be worshipping me before you know it..." Freddy says.

"Uh huh...yea...sure." I muttered before placing my head against the window letting my thoughts consume me.

Time Skip

Freddy turned at the light and entered into a parking lot. My eyes scanned the building as I slowly sat up. "You say I'm going to be worshipping you...yet you take me to a fucking hospital?" I ask looking at Freddy as he excitedly parks. "Why are you excited to be at a hospital...wait why the heck are we even here?!" I exclaimed as Freddy got out of the drivers side. Freddy came over to the drivers side and I was legitimately starting to get scared by how freaking hyper he was. "Not the dragging agaaaaaaain." I groaned as he literally dragged me out of the car again. "C'MON!" Freddy exclaims, grabbing my wrist and pulling me along with him.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now