A Cheesy Reunion

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Golden Freddy's POV (October 27th)

Yet another week passed...actually over a week. With only 3 days until Foxy's party Foxy and Chica also informed us of their little plan to get Freddy and Bonnie together since it was obvious they liked each other but didn't want to make a move with each other. Even after their little day together they were closer to each other. When they sat on the couch to watch something they would literally be within each other's personal space. Which they never usually did.

"Why don't you just tell him?" I asked Bonnie who was pacing back and forth in my room. "Because I don't know for sure if he likes me." Bonnie says. I sat up and gave him the 'are you actually kidding me?' look. "Bruh, it's so obvious. Every one of us can feel the sexual tension between you two and you two are so oblivious and blind to see a single thing that's right in front of you." I say as Bonnie shrugs sheepishly. "I-I just dont' know...I"m afraid that if I'm wrong that our friendship is going to end...I mean maybe not end but if I'm wrong then we'll be really awkward around each other and our friendship will slowly diminish...I don't want that." Bonnie mutters sitting on the bed hugging his knees to his chest. "Dude, I don't think your years of friendship since diapers will be ruined by some confession." I say as Bonnie shrugs. "You never know." Bonnie mutters as I sigh facepalm ning. "You both are helpless..." I mutter as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I pulled it out to see the ID to be unknown. "Who is it?" Bonnie asks as I shrug before answering it.

"Hello?" I wonder who the heck was calling me. "Hello, is this Golden Freddy?" A female voice asked from the other side. I mean it might be female but you neve know... (I have a very big fear of getting someone's gender wrong off of pre assumptions so I hate saying whether someone is a boy or girl when I don't know...so please don't get mad...)

"Uh yes...can I help you?" I ask as Bonnie mouthed, "Who is it?" I shrugged and mouthed "I don't know." Back. "Ah yes, my name is Lyndsey Harper...I'm a receptionist at Harvey Hospital calling about patient Springtrap." Lyndsey says as my eyes widen. "W-What? What about him?" I ask worriedly. "Is he alright? What's wrong...he isn't in a coma right? Oh god it he is I ca-" I was cut off by Lyndsey. "I can assure you he's alright sir, I called because you are the first name on Springtrap's contact list and I called to inform you that he woke up about 2 hours ago. He is stable and well enough to go home, he healed all of his injuries while in the hospital though the wound that was in his stomach is still tender. He has no parents that are able to sign the release forms so could you come down to sign those forms?" Lyndsey asks as I practically jolted out of my bed. "Yea yea yea yea give me like 5 minutes." I say. "Alright thank you." Lyndsey says before hanging up. "Who was it?" Bonnie asks as I stopped to look at him.

"Springtraps awake."

5 Minutes Later

"Good thinking bringing an extra set of clothes for Springtrap." Bonnie says as I nodded. I parked in the hospital towards the front so Springtrap wouldn't have to walk that far...or I could just carry him...either way I didn't mind...though it might be best to carry him.

I quickly got out of the car with the extra set of clothes in hand. It wasn't anything special, it was a purple T shirt and black pants, with underwear and black socks. I had it in a plastic bag as me and Bonnie both rushed in through the hospital doors.

The waiting room smelt of disgusting cough medicine that made me want to revolt in disgust, but I pushed through to the reception area where a light brown bunny hybrid with dark brown hair sat at the reception area with her uniform on. "H-Hello." I say making it up to the reception desk with Bonnie at my side. "Hello...you must be Golden Freddy I assume?" The lady asks who I assumed was Lyndsey. "H-How did you know?" I ask as Lyndsey chuckles. "It's in your name, plus Golden hybrids are quite rare so your name is well known." Lyndsey says before holding out a clipboard with some papers. "Alright I will need you to sign this which will release Springtrap from the hospital." Lyndsey says as I nod taking the clipboard and pen and began effectively signing away as fast as I could. Bonnie's eyes were wide as they looked at me and the clipboard as the pen scribbled furiously on the paper. "Golden I'm pretty sure if you go any faster you're going to produce from the friction." Bonnie says as Lyndsey who was also looking with wide eyes as my hand traveled quickly across the paper scribbling fast and furiously and before 2 minutes was up put the paper down and the pen.

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