Spring's Fateful Decision

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(Figured I'd get this chapter out now...cause I don't know if I'll get a chapter out tomorrow...so if I don't then sorry!)

(Fair warning when beginning this chapter. There will be mentionings of suicide, and suicide in general so if you're sensitive to this then skip this chapter.)

Spring's POV (12:00/Midnight)

I groaned...I felt something on my forehead...and it felt weird. I slowly opened my eyes revealing a dark room...with a lamp on. I suddenly sat up wondering where the heck I was...when I noticed I was in my room.

A cloth fell off my forehead and into my hands. What the...I think to myself as I look to the right...the moonlight was seeping into my bed and the lamp provided just enough light so I could barely see everything in my room. I looked over to the left and with his head in his arms on my bed was Golden...he was on his knees and his head was in his arms on the bed... He took me home? How long was he up? I thought to myself when I checked the time on my phone.

I WAS OUT FOR OVER A DAY?! I screamed in my head...it was the 31st...when I had that fever...it was midnight so it would've been the 1st...but now...it was the 2nd of November...I was asleep for over a day... and Golden's been here taking care of me?

I looked at Golden to see him softly snoring...he looked tired as heck...and I mean tired...he looked like he hadn't slept in days...But he also looked cute sleeping. Fuck...stop thinking about this! I screamed in my head. If I had to explain how I felt in one word right now it would be Dead. I felt absolutely dead.

Literally in front of me was the man I love and he just has to be taking care of me...he's literally just causing me to fall more for him...which I don't want! He already likes someone so why the fuck is he wasting his time here caring for me when he could be hanging out with his crush?!

I slowly slid out of bed making sure not to wake Golden and went into my bathroom. I turned it on and looked in the mirror. I looked better...I rubbed my eyes tiredly. Why was Golden here...why can't he just leave me alone and just go hang out with his fucking crush instead of making me fall harder for him!

I leaned against my bathroom counter wanting to just punch something out of anger...but I didn't want to wake up Golden. "Why...." I mutter. "Why can't you just leave me alone..." I mutter. I clenched my fists as I began breathing heavily. My eyes scanned my counter before landing on a sharp razor...I grabbed it and chucked it at my wall watching it stick.

I began pacing back and forth gripping my hair. "Why...why can't I just be fucking happy for once." I mutter. Golden was the one person to start breaking me out of my shell...the one person who I trusted more than anyone...and he still is. "But fuck he likes someone else." I curse out.

The one pointi when I was finally starting to feel happy I find out that he likes someone...fucking great.

I felt all my held back emotions wanting to burst out all at once. I stopped and leaned against the wall breathing heavily. "Don't you fucking dare cry..." I muttered. I began clenching and unclenching your fists as my mind began spiraling out of control. I felt like I was about to have the breakdown I had 5 years ago...it was the worst one I'd ever had when everything just came crumbling down at once on me.

Golden clearly wasn't happy doing things for me...I was proven that when Golden drove me home that night...when I got inside I heard him cussing... and punching something...I could only imagine he was cursing out me.

Why why why why...why do I have to feel this now...while Golden is here?! I yelled in my head. I was being a little baby and I knew it...I was letting this whole thing get to me much more than I should be letting it...but I couldn't control it...Golden was the one who made me happy and knowing he likes someone else just...makes me want to punch something. Because eventually he'll drift away from me...become focused on the one he loves...that's what everyone does...I began breathing heavier as I began pacing back and forth again. I didn't want to lose Golden...he was the one thing keeping me happy...

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now