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This probably shouldn't be a surprise that I'm making this. But I'm making this to address some problems that I've been having and what I'm planning on doing to fix them. Which does involve writing. So don't know if anyone's noticed or anything but I've posted 17 continual chapters some twice a day, most once a day. And if anyone has noticed I have been posting at the end that I've been more busy and been struggling more particularly with last chapter. So I took today to think about it, and I'm going to take a large majority of Thanksgiving break to think about it as well. But what you can expect is a halt to consistent daily uploads. It's probably obvious that I'm struggling to much to keep up with daily uploads, with doing school work and working. Because now grades are in the gradebook, we're scarily close to the end of the semester and my grades are not good. I'm struggling to even try and work on Final Stand, and I figured after I finish Final Stand I am not balancing two books again now that I work it makes it too hard to do. 

As much as you guys might hate it, I'm not going to be uploading daily anymore, and I'm not saying that I will go back to updating once a week. But my updating is going to revolve around working and school, right now I'm putting school as top priority. I can't have a consistent updating scheduling if my work days aren't consistent... and I'm going to say this now, If I say that I will update one day and it doesn't happen, it's probably because I'm busy focusing on school work. I can't promise that day's I'm suppose to update will happen anymore. I can promise at least 2 chapters a week though. For this book at least, Final Stand will be more difficult, and updating is going to be really awkward until I finish Final Stand and figure out a more permanent way of doing this. I'm more stressed than I really ever have been mainly because this is my junior year, and colleges start looking at you in this year. And I'm not letting writing or work get in the way of me getting into college. One of my biggest fears as that I won't even be able to get into college and that I'll fail. And at the rate I'm going I will fail, so I'm going to be taking a different approach to everything. 

The days that I work, I will not work on updating, if anything I'll work on schoolwork. I work about 4 days a week so you have an idea. And when I go back to school and have to go to work that day updating isn't going to be possible. Even if I wanted to do daily uploads I wouldn't be able to once I go back to school because I wouldn't have time. So I'm going to be focusing on school primarily from now on, I've failed doing that since school started and I'm now suffering because of it and it's my fault because I mainly wanted to keep you guys happy and satisfied, because if I don't update then people PM me telling me when I'll update again, and that their kind of upset. I'm sorry that I don't take this book with top priority but this isn't my job. And because of my actions I'm suffering in school now and my grades are at an all time low. Don't ask me what I'll do when i get to college, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it I'm not stressing about that right now.

So now you guys have an idea of what to expect, I will try to update Opposites and Final Stand tomorrow, and as much as I hate not updating daily, I can't do it anymore if it's just going to destroy me in the end. And I won't stop writing, I promise I will never get to a point where I'll just stop writing all together, because it helps me a lot to write to get stuff out of my head. I may slow down writing when I get into college, and I'm going to be slowing down a bit now because I'm not 14 anymore where I can update literally every single day anymore and finish a book in a month or two. As much as I hate admitting it it's true, and with more I grow older I'm getting closer to becoming an adult and getting out of high school (In case anyone didn't know which no one here does know I guarantee that I turn 17 in February) and from there it's just one year until I'm an adult and hopefully going onto college. In case anyone's curious I'm planning on majoring in Psychology and that's a very broad and open field and takes a lot of schooling depending what sub field I go into.

And I know I'm dragging this out, but that's what I'm good at...going into detail about everything, I mean I literally like essays so that gives you an idea of how I am. And I know probably most of you guys are going to be upset about me not updating daily anymore, but as I said I can't anymore. I can only hope that you guys understand that I want to go to college and I want to get the job I want to work for. Yea it'll take years but to even get to that point I have to go to college, which requires you know...good and decent grades. And doing that requires me to make a few sacrifices...with writing and working. Writing as I said I'm going to tone down a bit, I will update at least once a week but I'm aiming for twice a week and maybe more depending. Once summer comes I promise I can update more, because I won't have to worry about school until August. And working I'm going to try and put my foot down and tell my boss how I can't work past what I'm scheduled to work, because I have yet to ever leave at the time I'm suppose to leave. I got to leave at 9:00 at night? Oh dang now I have to close and I end up leaving at 1:00 in the morning. Especially this week is going to be crazy because I'm going to have a minimum of 32 hours and I'm suppose to work 18 hours this week (funny), which is basically one paycheck for me and I'm going to be having probably around 50 hours in two weeks while focusing on school and writing which isn't funny and I'm very behind on schoolwork...about 13 assignments now. 

Anyways, sorry for not updating today, I'll attempt tomorrow, but no promises anymore but i will make an effort to update, I won't just not make an effort I will make an effort and that's all I can do. And with that I hope you guys have a great day and I will see you all later!

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now