(FINALE PART 1) Like Father...Like Son

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Goldie's POV

I heard a whirring sound after the camera footage died out. Spring froze for a moment. His eyes widened. "DUCK!" Spring exclaimed, his hand shot out grabbing my before bringing me down with him. The swat guys were quick to react and within seconds multiple lasers shot over us ducking. "Dang...so close..." A voice said. I looked behind us as the swat guys were quick to stand back up and held their guns out point blank. "FREEZE!" One said. There were 5 figures standing there...all very familiar.






All 5 of them were standing there near the edge of the with laser guns out point blank. "I wouldn't go about firing, laser guns will win..." Python says his voice deep and with confidence. My heart started racing...the rain began pouring even harder. Me and Spring were drenched and soaked in the rain. Spring looked at me and I looked at him. "Stay Here..." He mouthed. I nodded and he suddenly shot up pulling out two laser pistols before firing. The blue lasers traveled through the air as they hit Python...

His foot went back a bit and his head dropped. "Nice shot." One swat guy said. "He's fooling around, he's probably wearing protection..." Spring mutters as my eyes widened when Python rose back up with a smirk. "You're pretty smart for a bunny...yes we're all wearing laser and bullet proof armour of sorts." Python said.

Spring lowered his guns, "Lower your weapons." Spring told the swat guys. "Why? They can't be wearing armour protecting everywhere." One dude says. "Yes they can, in fact if you shoot your gun and that bullet lands there's a chance it can rebound and actually hit you...I know what technology they're using, it's far more advanced then you probably think." Spring says. He put his guns back in the pockets of his trench coat. The swat guys lowered their weapons as I stared in shock at Spring's authoritative tone. He was a completely different person when in the face of danger. "Then what do we do?" One guy asks. Spring didn't answer, he slowly reached in his trench coat before his hand shot out. A blur flew across the sky as Python held out a dagger blocking the oncoming object which just so happened to also be a dagger. The dagger made a clunk sound when hitting the metallic roof. "My turn." Python said. Python then gripped his dagger tightly before swinging his dagger out at Spring who bent over backwards and watched as the dagger zoomed over him. Spring then proceeded to do a back handspring and use his feet to grab the dagger out of Python's hands before throwing it over the side. Delinda and Apalala came up beside Python and both launched a punch to Spring who quickly dodged both punches. Still in his back, handspring with his legs quickly grabbed onto Apalalas arm before quickly flipping him over and flipping Spring up to his feet in the meantime. Viper joined in within seconds with a sword in hand that Spring moved to the side for dodging the sharp bladed sword. Apalala quickly stood to his feet, and everyone surrounded Spring. Python grabbed another dagger, Viper had her sword, Delinder had her fists, Apalala had a laser gun, and Levi had brass knuckles.

"Got you surrounded now bud..." Python says. "Spring! Get out of there!" I exclaimed worriedly. "We need to help him." A swat guy says. "Right...move in." Another says before making a hand signal. All of them soon begin moving in right as Spring drops to the ground and sweep kicks every single one of them off their feet before standing back up straight as they all fell. Spring then took out his laser guns again before aiming them at Levi and Viper, he shot the guns and the lasers landed on the brass knuckles and sword causing them to disintegrate. "NOW!" A swat guy said as they all then charged in.

Punches and kicks were launched and suddenly a brawl started. Spring was still fighting off two people Python and Delinda. Though he looked like he was doing ok it looked like he was struggling to keep up a tiny bit. Eventually Delinda landed a punch to Springs gut causing him to groan followed by Python taking out a tagger and spinning cutting Springs left arm.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now