The Ball and the Hoop (Pt 1)

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(Love can be the greatest thing on planet earth. But it can be equally destructive as it can be great.)

Golden Freddy's POV

It's been about a month or two since we had that project with me and Springtrap, we stopped talking to each other afterwards and didn't even bother to bat an eye to each other in that time frame. Not that I cared, I had more important things on my mind. Like my girlfriend Mangle, lately she has been really busy doing projects from school and studying for tests. So today I would be surprising her after school by taking her out on a little date since her efforts have paid off.

I got ready for school making sure to dress a little nicer but not making it seem like I overdid it. I would be taking Mangle right after school out so I needed to be dressed preferably now. I grabbed my keys off the counter, yes that's right. I finally got my license about 2 weeks ago and with it my own car that I saved up the money for. I made my way into the kitchen peeking my head in to my mom and dad. They were both bears. My mom Alice was a bear with white fur and sea blue eyes. My dad on the other hand ahd balck fur and icy blue eyes. I can kinda see where Freddy got his color from but for me it was a mystery. As it was with all Golden hybrids since no color mixes to get it. Sure there's yellow but this is a dark golden version of yellow that can't be mixed to get. It's very rare to birth a Golden Hybrid and to be one. And the fact that there are TWO in the school made our school very VERY popular. "You heading off son?" Dad asked as I nodded, "Drive safe, don't be like Freddy now." Mom says chuckling painfully. Freddy wasn't a bad driver, he was just better terms.

I stood up straight and with a straight face that I could somehow manage saluted to them both. "Understood ma'am!" I exclaimed as mom rolled her eyes smiling. "Get to school before you're late now." She says as I do so making my way out the door and out my car. It wasn't no lamborghini or Super Sonic X car but it did the trick.

You all might be wondering what a Super Sonic X car is? Well it's in the name. Not only that but is the most expensive car on the planet, a hybrid of Lamborghini and Tesla creating the first Auto driving, flying, and holographic car in existence with voice commands making it worth 4 billion dollars. Yea...anyone who has that car which is pretty wealthy. So seeing it, is like making the next big thing and being in its presence is like meeting God himself. Being able to reach a speed of 60 mph in 1.6 seconds and a top speed of 310 you can already guess that this car is pretty dang good...which as I said makes it the most expensive.

When I reached the school I had a smile on my face as I made my way through the school doors. I was pretty excited to take Mangle out on a date, I hadn't asked her yet because it was going to be a surprise. "Hey dude!" I heard Nightmare says coming up beside me. I looked up at him and his freaking tall self. He was 7'0 at least...probably 7'2 if he stood up straight... "Are you ready for soccer practice?" Nightmare asks as I groan. "I won't be able to go today." I say. "Why not Mr. Captain?" Nightmare asks, grinning sleekly revealing his sharp pointy teeth. I rolled my eyes, "Don't call me that, and I'm not going because I'm going to take Mangle out on a date." I say as Nightmare nudges me smiling. "Eyyy look at you so is she finally free today?" Nightmare asks as I shrug. "Haven't asked her, I'll find out after school though." I say hopefully.

"Well hopefully she's free. Anyways how's that driving going?" Nightmare asks as I smile, "It's nice, though it's kinda boring to be driving by myself." I say. "You miss my exemplary singing don't you...admit it." Nightmare says grinning. I elbowed him in the stomach causing him to groan before laughing a little. "Yep that confirms it you're a masochist...and for your information sir you're singing sounds like a dying horse on drugs trying to do the other words you're singing makes me want to cut my ears off." I say as Nightmare raises an eyebrow. "That was scarily descriptive." Nightmare says.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now