A Normal Day? (Pt 1)

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Spring's POV (Next Day)

Like any normal person I was having a nice dream. Only for a little twist to happen when sunlight suddenly hit my face followed by a "Wakey wakey!"

I'mma kill him...

"5 more minutes..." I muttered rolling over on the other side. "No rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Suddenly the warm covers were ripped from my grasp causing me to start whining. I covered my eyes with my ears just wanting to go back to sleep. "Man I didn't know you were such a lazy potato."

I suddenly shot up out of bed and snapped at Goldie with a death glare. "Excuse me?" Goldie clasped his hands together, "I sai-'' I cut Goldie off. "No nonononono, when I say that I don't want you to repeat yourself. I'm asking whether you're good with Jesus or not because you're about to meet him." I say. "Kinky." Goldie says smiling.

"Ughhhh. You're impossible." I groan. "I know, anyways it's time to rise up and shine because we're skipping school today!" Goldie exclaims. "What's up with you wanting to skip school?" I ask. "I got our friends to do it too, cause we haven't hung out together in awhile so we all figured that we would skip school today and hang out." Goldie says.

"I have to deal with people?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "People you know." Goldie says. "So no dealing with new people?" I ask. Goldie chuckles. "Yes no dealing with new people..." I pumped my fists.

"Awesome, so when are we meeting up with the others?" I ask. "Around noonish? It's about 10:00 now so we got time...well you got time you still gotta shower." Goldies says. "By the way, are you sure your parents are ok with this? I don't wanna intrude or anythi-" Goldie cuts me off by covering my mouth with his hand. "Trust me I asked them, they're fine, they completely understand and they seem kinda happy about getting to see you again." Goldie says.

I licked his hand to get his hand off. But like the weirdo he is wasn't fazed at all by this. "How were you not fazed by me licking your hand?" I ask, my voice muffled. "Spring we're dating you think I'm gonna be fazed by a little saliva?" Goldie asks. "Maybe if we weren't dating then I'd be bothered but you've done worse." Goldie says. My face reddened at that one particular night that I won't mention for...reasons... "Alright Imma go take a shower now!" I exclaim as Goldie laughs a bit. I hop off the bed to head to take a shower.

Time Skip

When I was done with the shower and changed I headed to Goldie's room. Who was sitting on the bed looking to be deep in thought. "Hey Spring." Goldie says. "Yea?" I respond. "I don't like bringing the mood down...but last night...do you know who that was?" Goldie asks. I frowned, "No...I don't...it's been on my mind since those events happened last night. I expected the 5 to be there." I said. "The 5 was arrested, don't you remember?" Goldie asks. "And you believe that? Goldie, they are a part of a cult that can change their physical appearance to monstrous proportions...you think they would be arrested so easily? I don't...They're a part of a cult with my dad as the leader, trust me. They won't go down easily...unless their really just that stupid. Because it's not hard to escape from a prison...as long as you know what your doing.'' I say.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side." Goldie says nervously. "Noted." I say smiling. "But I don't wanna think about this now, I just want to for once not have to be worried." I muttered. "You know this reminds me of MIB." Goldie says. I stuck up my finger going to resent it only for nothing to come out. "I....w-well...I guess that's kinda true." (I've still yet to watch this movie. I've only heard what happens nothing else.) "Anyways, we better get going." Goldie says as a nod.


Time Skip

Goldie's POV

We eventually met up with the others. Where you might ask? Well only at one of the most popular places in the city. Which was a laser tag place, but not just any laser tag place. Their underground facility was nothing but a battleground for the laser tag arenas. That's right arenas, there are different game modes within the game of laser tag with their own special arena to go with it. By being able to make literally over a grand a day it's easy to understand how they're able to afford all this. Each arena was about the size of a baseball field...that's what reviews have said. But I forget how big a baseball field is. It's big because usually per game within each game mode there are at least 20 players so you have to have space. The amount of people is so high that come in during the day that you have to make reservations because the wait time might be a good week before you get in...and even then people can take up that spot through reservations.

As far as I've heard just one laser gun alone is about $100 which doesn't sound like TOO much of a hassle...until you consider that per game there are at least 20 people, with extra laser guns because within each room you get the guns there are about 50 plus extra reserve laser guns in the storage areas the cost stacks up significantly. There's always a reason to read the reviews people...

"Tell me who made the reservations again?" Chica asks. "Nightmare, last week, this was the only available spot until 2 weeks later." Bonnie says. "Jesus, how come we've never come here?" Chica asks. "Probably because it's an expensive place to go...it's $20 a person...it's understandable though as they need to be able to keep this up." I say. "Wait are we each paying for ourselves or..." Foxy asks trailing off. "I can pay for us." Spring speaks up. "No I think we should split it between some of us, that or each pay our share...it'd be too expensive." Chica says. "There are 8 of us, Goldie, me, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Nightmare, and Hydra. Twenty times 8 is 160. So that's $160 total...I can take care of that." Spring says. "Yea but that's a lot of money for just doing laser tag...don't you have to keep up with car insurance?" Chica asks. I was gonna say that his job entails a lot of money but then decided against it. "Let's just say that this won't really affect me any." Spring says.

"N-" "I've already made my decision." Spring says before chica could even get a sound out. "B-" "But no." Spring interjects. "Wa-" Spring cut off Chica again. "I might cut your tongue off, rip your eyeball out before forcing you to eat it and shove your tongue into your bleeding eye socket if you try to tell me no again...trust me I wouldn't do this if I didn't want to." Spring says. "Such a violent personality." Nightmare jokes. "You're literally the exact same as me Night...don't even try to lie, remember that day where we spent a long time just roasting each other with violent threats and Goldie sat there watching?" Spring asked.

"Are we ready to go in? Before our reservation gets canceled?" Foxy asks boredly. "Oh shoot I guess we got caught up in stuff." Spring mutters. "You think?" Hydra asks as Spring elbows Hydra in the side causing her to groan in pain. "Little bitch hitting an innocent girl I'll cut your limbs off next time you do that." Hydra mutters.

"Technically you can't cut off my limbs because you would be implying that your innocent which you are VERY FAR from being innocent. Therefore your basis on which you suggested on which to cut off my limbs is immediately revoked and irrelevant because of your inability to use 16 of 273,000 words in the Oxford dictionary with specific exceptions and place them in a way that makes sense while also not sounding stupid." Spring says.

Hydra blinked a couple of times, "I hate you." Hydra says as Spring smiles. "Well I love you too! But in a friendly way, because I'm happily taken it's ok if you like me in the other way but I can't say the same because I'm taken.." Spring jokes.

And to this day legend says Hydra is still chasing Spring around in the laser tag place with a knife.

And that's the end of the chapter! I think the next chapter is probably the last chapter that will involve anything normal in it, then afterwards begins the ending chapters. Anyways I am off for 4 days straight this week with today being my first day out of 4. So I'm pretty dang happy. So with that I hope you guys are enjoying your Christmas Break, for those in school and or those who work...I feel for you. And with that I will see you all later!

P.S. Thanks for the 2,000 views now! I really appreciate it a lot, it always means a lot that people like what I make...and now I feel awkward after saying this stuff and I'm gonna stop now before I die of embarrassment not embarrassment to views just embarrassment because this is cheesy as heck, and Imma go crawl into a hole now.

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