Hatred between Golden Hybrids

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(Sometimes when someone believes in something so heavily it fogs their mind and lets someone else's opinions get lost in the fog of beliefs...never to be seen again.)

Golden Freddy's POV

I looked at the time on my phone and groaned. "What's wrong?" Mangle asks who was my girlfriend and who was currently cuddled up beside me. "I have to leave soon." I mutter. "For what?" Mangle asks as I sigh. "We're doing a project in Chemistry in our daily life and I got partnered with Springtrap." I say obviously not happy. "The weirdo who doesn't talk to anyone?" Mangle asks with a disgusted look crossing her face. "No, he actually managed to make a friend surprisingly enough...but yeah the weirdo who also killed his and Bonnie's mother...which is why Bonnie has such a deep hatred for Springtrap and as does the majority of the school." I say as Mangles eyes widen. "You're partnered with a killer?!" Mangle exclaims, shooting out of bed. "You're not going anywhere mister you hear me!" Mangle exclaims guarding the door with her life. I sighed, "I'll be fine Mangle I don't think Springtrap will even dare try something on me knowing that everyone will come after him if he does." I say getting out of the bed with Mangle still guarding the door with her life. There was a significant height difference between us. With me being above 6 foot Mangle was about 5'1. Some people think that she's my daughter which is weird.

"Look I promise I'll call you when I get out of there." I say as mangle gulps, "You're going to get there and do what you need to do and get out of there as soon as you're done do you hear me?!" Mangle exclaims demandingly as I sigh irritated. "Ok...now can I please go?" I ask as Mangle reluctantly gets out of the way. "I'll call you later..." I say walking out the door with Mangle screaming. "YOU BETTER!"

I sighed and walked out the door taking out my phone and plugging in the coordinates to Springtraps house. "He lives about 2 blocks from me?" I ask outloud kind of surprised he lived so close. That was around 2 corners and that was it.

I began making my way and within 5 minutes was standing in front of one of the nicest looking houses in the entire city. "No way he lives here." I mutter. His yard had a nice looking white picket fence around it. Grass that looked like it was mowed every single day. A 3 car garage. 2 Story house most likely with a basement and Attic as far as I could see. The house was a nice white color with a black roof and black overhangs from the house and a balck overhang above the front door with white columns. "Geezus..." I mutter surprised. I hopped on over the gate not wanting to open it and realized that it was taller than I thought being at least 12 feet high and the fencing being about 8 feet. When I landed I began making my way up the stairs to the front door seeing a doorbell. I rang the doorbell only to be met with a hologram shooting out scanning my eyes.

"Scanning Scanning...Complete...Hello Golden Freddy" The automatic robotic voice said as the door opened right in front of me. My jaw dropped. He has holograms too?! I exclaim in my head. Holographic projections were expensive...like hundreds of thousands of dollars for a simple projection. That's because holograms can do so much and it started a revolution around 2025. Bringing us even more advanced technological advancements. How the thing knew me must've been because of Springtrap preparing me coming here.

I heard a sound coming from the kitchen which was to my right and walked that way. Peeking my head into the kitchen saw Springtrap leaning over the sink looking out the window with a glass of water in his hands and his back turned to me. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and grey sweats. Did he not hear me come in? I ask myself as I step into the kitchen.

"Um...I'm here." I say as Spingtraps body jolts dropping the glass. The glass shattered on his foot as he hissed in pain. Springtrap turned around giving me a glare full of hatred as blood began seeping out of his cut.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now